BasilZero said:
Final Fantasy I, II, III, IV, V , and VI were all originally on Nintendo platforms and were re-released on PS1 and PSP. Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX and Tactics were originally on PS1 yet it was re-released on PSP and PS3. Final Fantasy VII PS4 port is a port of the PC version which was worked up from scratch from the 1998 PC port. Final Fantasy Type-0 HD was originally a PSP Japan only game and was remastered released on PS4 and XBO Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD remaster were originally released on PS2 - remastered on PS3 and re-ported to PS4 and Vita.
Using your argument - I should be playing these games on my NES, SNES, PS1, PS2 and PSP only - and not bother buying/playing them on my PC and PS4 (and if ever I get a future Vita) |
Yes that's exactly it. if you are a final fantasy fan the definitive way to play has been on the consoles you mentioned when they released. That's definitive. There has been no single platform that's been definitive.