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BasilZero said:
OneKartVita said:

Yes that's exactly it.  if you are a final fantasy fan the definitive way to play has been on the consoles you mentioned when they released.  That's definitive.  There has been no single platform that's been definitive.  


Well good thing I own them all and plus more l0l.

Anyways, when I meant by definitive - is the ability to play the games (without being limited to no b/c and having to repurchase them) but also get the best output from them. (i.e the ability to play them at the highest of resolutions, FPS, modding, etc)

One  can say iOS/mobile may be the definitive in that case but honestly who the hell even likes touch controls?! xD

Yeah sure it's a good platform but for a fan of the series it's a moot point.  You're not gonna hold out to 2016 to get them all on pc.  You're going to get the console and play them there each gen.  That's what most fans have done.  


I want to agree from your point of view but if we are to factually and politically correct then iOS is definitive and not pc.  mobile is bigger than pc gaming so we can't really be like,  nobody cares about that like we would the ouya.