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BasilZero said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

Are you sure you are actually contesting my argument? Because you consistently seem to argue against points that are completely irrelevant to my claim.

The problem here is that your argument is contradicts itself.

By using your argument - you too are saying that the PS4 and Vita are in the same position as the PC and that everyone should play the games on the consoles that the games were originally released on.

I'm sorry to burst your bubble but that is not how the industry works nor how consumers work either. Just because a game was "defined" by the platform of release does not mean it cannot be improved on a re-release, a port or even a remaster. In the case of the PS4, Vita and PC - all of the games that were released (specifically talking about the Final Fantasy series) is a far better experience of playing them on those three systems than their legacy platforms simply because of things such as higher resolution, FPS, etc - these are improvements which were limited on the legacy platforms but limits that no longer apply for these three platforms.

@bold one: I never said that. You assumed that, because I called it definitive. Definitive =/= better.

@second paragraph: If the game is improved, it no longer applies to the original version. It has been redefined, it is a different experience, perhaps a better experience, but that doesn't mean it defines the experience. You insist on using definitive as a substitute for better or optimal, because you buy into industry buzzwords. 

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank