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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Xenoblade Chronicles X is the biggest game of the year...

Abun said:
I never understood all this hype for "big" worlds.I am more interested in what i can do in the game's world and how much interaction it has rather than the size.

Its devs megalomania nowadays, they make the world too big and them you have to keep repeating the same activity 8000 times, and exploring the same interior enviroments and killing the same monsters, jause cause they want to say theyre world is hughe, most of these games would be much better with smaler worlds.

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Abun said:
I never understood all this hype for "big" worlds.I am more interested in what i can do in the game's world and how much interaction it has rather than the size.

I second this. But anyway, impressive size... hopefully you can do cool stuff in all this space.

Bet with Teeqoz for 2 weeks of avatar and sig control that Super Mario Odyssey would ship more than 7m on its first 2 months. The game shipped 9.07m, so I won

We should have a Planet Mira marathon community once enough people have skells.

This game is going to be amazing, can´t wait


Mike321 said:
This game is going to be amazing, can´t wait

ikr its gonna be cool.

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How many times and how many ways does this have to be said?

I wonder how much of that is meant to be traversable on foot and not in a mech. One could argue that most driving/flying games are bigger than all of these, but don't feel like it because you're traveling so fast. To me the true largeness of the map is purely relative to the character, how fast they move, and how much there is to interact with.

Actually, once it is released it will be the biggest of this gen so far. The only one that is knowingly bigger than it is Just Cause 3 I believe.

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How many gigs is it? Thats the only real way to measure the size of a game.

I just hope the story is incredible.

The developer said they focused more on action less on story this time around... that has me extremely nervous. The build up and ending of Xenoblade was quite... wow.

"How? The ... the power of a god cannot be overcome!"


I play JRPGs for the megaton story revelations and tragedy and soul shaking musical scores not to blow things up.