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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Xenoblade Chronicles X is the biggest game of the year...

illdill1987 said:
How many gigs is it? Thats the only real way to measure the size of a game.

28 gigs.  But that's not helpful really.  Skyrim's 8 gigs or so while Titanfall is 50 gigs.  Solo

File ssizefrom largest to smallest is Titanfall, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Skyrim.

BButsize of the world and such?  Then it's undeniably Xenoblade Chronicles X, Skyrim, Titanfall.

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Well I am not going to have a life during December.

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

Nuvendil said:
illdill1987 said:
How many gigs is it? Thats the only real way to measure the size of a game.

28 gigs.  But that's not helpful really.  Skyrim's 8 gigs or so while Titanfall is 50 gigs.  Solo

File ssizefrom largest to smallest is Titanfall, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Skyrim.

BButsize of the world and such?  Then it's undeniably Xenoblade Chronicles X, Skyrim, Titanfall.

49/50 GB of Titanfall is the gun and explosion textures...

The characters and vehicles move really fast as well yet it's still quicker to run across Skyrim then XCX when in a vehicle.

illdill1987 said:
How many gigs is it? Thats the only real way to measure the size of a game.


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Doesn't matter to me if the world feels empty.

Not if Just Cause 3 has anything to say about it

It's not even the biggest game releasing that week.

biggest game =/= largest game world. Title is misleading

Yeah, this game is quite ambitious and epic. That´s why everybody tries to downgrade it.

- The game have impressive graphics for the console with a sense of scale never seen before in a open world game -> "oh those characters models are awfull, ps2 graphics lololo"

- Is one of the biggest open worlds ever made on a console, wich is something mainstream gamers completely adore since the last gen, even when half of the games they like are boring fetch quests with empty worlds. -> "Oh but sure is gonna feel empty, I havent played the game, but since is gonna be empty I don´t care about it, even if the previous Xenoblade didn´t feel empty being massive".

- Looks like the game is gonna be really good: it´s beautiful, epic, massive, it has the great combat system of the previous one, and is the most ambitious game of the great Monolithsoft - "Oh but Famitsu, that magazine that nobody trust, give the game a slighty lower score than the previous one, and some amazon japanese reviews are bad, and since that is super reliable always, the game is sure a dissapoiniting. That´s obvious."

Oh and don´t forguet the shitstorm this game had when it was revealed it had dlc, I remember it was compared with The Witcher 3 for that, just to show how greedy is Nintendo. At the end, Witcher 3 has several pay dlcs but all XCX dlc are completely free on the west. Yup...

At the end of the day, this a Nintendo exclusive, so better make an effort to believe the game is bad so you don´t feel bad for not having a WiiU.