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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Is "Miitomo" a good idea?


Is Miitomo a good idea?

Yes, because... 115 53.49%
No, because... 99 46.05%
Goodnightmoon said:
VitroBahllee said:
No, it's a terrible idea and yes, the stocks went down not just because of the delay but because it looks terrible. DeNA's stock went down even more.

It looks like an absolute waste. NOBODY wanted it.

A lot of smart people said that about Todomachi Life. But UPS...

If Tomodachi Life were Nintendo's debut game on a platform, it would have been a bad idea.

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Wyrdness said:
potato_hamster said:

No, It's a game solely devoted to interacting with generic characters that so happen to be Miis and placing them in all sorts of scenarios . Do you have any evidence that the game's main draw was the fact that you had an opportunity to use your Mii as opposed to any other generic character creator?

How is your logic any different than saying that the Khajiit are immensely popular characters because Skyrim sold over 18 million copies world wide? Would anyone say that Raiden is obviously a popular character because MGS2 sold 6 million copies world wide? No. Of course not.  Conversely, if Miis are so popular why did Wii Sports Club for the Wii U sell so terribly, people love playing with their Miis right?

The logic here is so flawed. For all we know the game sold well despite the fact that it used Miis.

The only flawed logic is the one you're employing to feed your denial, the are no generic characters in TL, you create a Mii that represents yourself and even give it a voice, you can even import Miis from other devices. The entire game is centred on throwing your avatar in antics and interaction, how do I know that's the draw of game? That's all you do in it that's how I know, the game is built around Miis it's the sequel to Tomodachi Collection, as more Miis cross paths more situations arise. Your argument flat out tells me you know little of the game you're trying to argue.

Arguing that's not the draw of the game is like arguing fans of horror games don't buy their games for horror.

There are no generic characters in TL? According to who exactly? You don't have to create a character that represents yourself. You can create whatever you character you want. I actually am familiar with this game. One Let's player imported a Mii of Waluigi. I guess he never cared about playing as himself? I guess he missed the whole point of the game according to you? He used the Mii creator to create another character. How is that any different than creating a character in Skyrim that looks like Waluigi? Ohh right it isn't. It's just a character creator.

"The entire game is centred on throwing your avatar in antics and interaction" -

This can literally describe any game which allows you to create a character and do anything with that created character. It is utterly meaningless.

"Arguing that's not the draw of the game is like arguing fans of horror games don't buy their games for horror."

I'm sorry, is games that feature Mii avatars now a genre? Ohh it isn't? Huh. I guess that's a pretty terrible analogy. Tomodachi Life is a Life Simulation game. Would you say that the main draw of the sims is playing as characters that are stylzed humans? No. No one really cares about Sims characters. If EA allows you to import your sims character into the latest Madden football game, that isn't going to lead to an increase in sales, because the gameplay is the selling feature of the sims, not the avatar. How about Splatoon avatars? Is the main draw of that game the fact that the avatars in that game look like an anthropomorpic squid/octopusl? Of course not. They buy Splatoon because of the gameplay. No one really cares about Inklings or Octolings. Replace those characters with characters that look completely different but equally appealing and that game would sell just as well and be just as enjoyable to play.

So again, what evidence do you have that the main draw of Tomodachi Life is playing as your Mii any more than the main draw of splatoon is playing as an Inkling, for example?

bowserthedog said:

I see it being a big hit.  Is it something i am gonna play or ever even fully understand?  Nope!  But to me it sounds a lot like Tomodauchi Life. It's going to be a big hit. Tomodauchi Life sold more units than any Zelda game on 3ds and is the 8th best selling 3ds game. To me it's clearly tied to Tomodauchi since the last for letters of Miitomo and the first 4 letters of Tomodauchi life are the same. Add to it that it's free and it's coming to an install base bigger than all nintendo consoles and hendhelds alltime combined ya i think its a good idea and its going to be a hit.

Tomo means 'friend.'

No, because investors want Nintendo to stop console production and provide AAA games with pay to win and micro transactions that will eventually be installed on every second smart phone worldwide. Imagine the enormous potential, Nintendo could easily become the most profitable game developer in the world by far.

potato_hamster said:
Wyrdness said:

The only flawed logic is the one you're employing to feed your denial, the are no generic characters in TL, you create a Mii that represents yourself and even give it a voice, you can even import Miis from other devices. The entire game is centred on throwing your avatar in antics and interaction, how do I know that's the draw of game? That's all you do in it that's how I know, the game is built around Miis it's the sequel to Tomodachi Collection, as more Miis cross paths more situations arise. Your argument flat out tells me you know little of the game you're trying to argue.

Arguing that's not the draw of the game is like arguing fans of horror games don't buy their games for horror.

There are no generic characters in TL? According to who exactly? You don't have to create a character that represents yourself. You can create whatever you character you want. I actually am familiar with this game. One Let's player imported a Mii of Waluigi. I guess he never cared about playing as himself? I guess he missed the whole point of the game according to you? He used the Mii creator to create another character. How is that any different than creating a character in Skyrim that looks like Waluigi? Ohh right it isn't. It's just a character creator.

"The entire game is centred on throwing your avatar in antics and interaction" -

This can literally describe any game which allows you to create a character and do anything with that created character. It is utterly meaningless.

"Arguing that's not the draw of the game is like arguing fans of horror games don't buy their games for horror."

I'm sorry, is games that feature Mii avatars now a genre? Ohh it isn't? Huh. I guess that's a pretty terrible analogy. Tomodachi Life is a Life Simulation game. Would you say that the main draw of the sims is playing as characters that are stylzed humans? No. No one really cares about Sims characters. If EA allows you to import your sims character into the latest Madden football game, that isn't going to lead to an increase in sales, because the gameplay is the selling feature of the sims, not the avatar. How about Splatoon avatars? Is the main draw of that game the fact that the avatars in that game look like an anthropomorpic squid/octopusl? Of course not. They buy Splatoon because of the gameplay. No one really cares about Inklings or Octolings. Replace those characters with characters that look completely different but equally appealing and that game would sell just as well and be just as enjoyable to play.

So again, what evidence do you have that the main draw of Tomodachi Life is playing as your Mii any more than the main draw of splatoon is playing as an Inkling, for example?

I struggle to understand why these people aren't seeing your point.

Miis were really popular and hip in 2007-2008. They are now about as cool as N*Sync. 

The combination of a delay (angering investors) and an underwhelming mobile debut offering has been financially devastating to the company.

If this was something launching alongside their first mobile offering, it would have been received warmly by investors.

Honestly, at this point, Nintendo could put out one of those 'noise maker' apps that were popular, (again, like the Miis) ten years ago, and a lot of you Nintendo fans would be talking about how it was a "genius first move" because "those noise maker apps are popular."

I think there is a huge disconnect between what hardcore Nintendo fans (I used to be one, there's hope!) think about everything Nintendo does and what reality thinks.

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potato_hamster said:

There are no generic characters in TL? According to who exactly? You don't have to create a character that represents yourself. You can create whatever you character you want. I actually am familiar with this game. One Let's player imported a Mii of Waluigi. I guess he never cared about playing as himself? I guess he missed the whole point of the game according to you? He used the Mii creator to create another character. How is that any different than creating a character in Skyrim that looks like Waluigi? Ohh right it isn't. It's just a character creator.

"The entire game is centred on throwing your avatar in antics and interaction" -

This can literally describe any game which allows you to create a character and do anything with that created character. It is utterly meaningless.

"Arguing that's not the draw of the game is like arguing fans of horror games don't buy their games for horror."

I'm sorry, is games that feature Mii avatars now a genre? Ohh it isn't? Huh. I guess that's a pretty terrible analogy. Tomodachi Life is a Life Simulation game. Would you say that the main draw of the sims is playing as characters that are stylzed humans? No. No one really cares about Sims characters. If EA allows you to import your sims character into the latest Madden football game, that isn't going to lead to an increase in sales, because the gameplay is the selling feature of the sims, not the avatar. How about Splatoon avatars? Is the main draw of that game the fact that the avatars in that game look like an anthropomorpic squid/octopusl? Of course not. They buy Splatoon because of the gameplay. No one really cares about Inklings or Octolings. Replace those characters with characters that look completely different but equally appealing and that game would sell just as well and be just as enjoyable to play.

So again, what evidence do you have that the main draw of Tomodachi Life is playing as your Mii any more than the main draw of splatoon is playing as an Inkling, for example?

1- Yes the are no generic characters in TL, that's the game by default it's what the player wants it to be and here's the kicker for you, it's all centred around Miis this is something you can never argue. He imported a Mii, that Mii he imported is to interact with other Miis he has, are you seeing the pattern here? Take your time and don't rush.

2- Seeing as you're grasping at straws and trying hard to take everything out of context, the game is about Miis in a quirky social simulation.

3- Analogy is fine it's just your desperation that's amusing at this point, this was explain in the first point but it's one you're struggling to grasp, Tomodachi Life is a game about Miis and even marketed with Miis as such. Here's the thing about gameplay it's applied to a concept to work and gameplay itself can rely on a number of aspects to be elevated.

For one many RPGs share very similar gameplay especially the turn based types yet are each recieved differently, under your attempted gameplay logic they should all be of equal recption despite having different settings, characters, stories etc... Right? Come off this garbage you're throwing out please it's amusing, different games have different approaches and some are more gameplay dependent then others, TL has simple gameplay but is built around the quirk and social charm of Miis. Gameplay is one part of a machine that is execution, a game can have good gameplay but not be as well recieved because of the overall execution, in TL the concept is a social simulation with Miis that's the main draw of the game and what it's pushed as.

Wyrdness said:
potato_hamster said:

There are no generic characters in TL? According to who exactly? You don't have to create a character that represents yourself. You can create whatever you character you want. I actually am familiar with this game. One Let's player imported a Mii of Waluigi. I guess he never cared about playing as himself? I guess he missed the whole point of the game according to you? He used the Mii creator to create another character. How is that any different than creating a character in Skyrim that looks like Waluigi? Ohh right it isn't. It's just a character creator.

"The entire game is centred on throwing your avatar in antics and interaction" -

This can literally describe any game which allows you to create a character and do anything with that created character. It is utterly meaningless.

"Arguing that's not the draw of the game is like arguing fans of horror games don't buy their games for horror."

I'm sorry, is games that feature Mii avatars now a genre? Ohh it isn't? Huh. I guess that's a pretty terrible analogy. Tomodachi Life is a Life Simulation game. Would you say that the main draw of the sims is playing as characters that are stylzed humans? No. No one really cares about Sims characters. If EA allows you to import your sims character into the latest Madden football game, that isn't going to lead to an increase in sales, because the gameplay is the selling feature of the sims, not the avatar. How about Splatoon avatars? Is the main draw of that game the fact that the avatars in that game look like an anthropomorpic squid/octopusl? Of course not. They buy Splatoon because of the gameplay. No one really cares about Inklings or Octolings. Replace those characters with characters that look completely different but equally appealing and that game would sell just as well and be just as enjoyable to play.

So again, what evidence do you have that the main draw of Tomodachi Life is playing as your Mii any more than the main draw of splatoon is playing as an Inkling, for example?

1- Yes the are no generic characters in TL, that's the game by default it's what the player wants it to be and here's the kicker for you, it's all centred around Miis this is something you can never argue. He imported a Mii, that Mii he imported is to interact with other Miis he has, are you seeing the pattern here? Take your time and don't rush.

2- Seeing as you're grasping at straws and trying hard to take everything out of context, the game is about Miis in a quirky social simulation.

3- Analogy is fine it's just your desperation that's amusing at this point, this was explain in the first point but it's one you're struggling to grasp, Tomodachi Life is a game about Miis and even marketed with Miis as such. Here's the thing about gameplay it's applied to a concept to work and gameplay itself can rely on a number of aspects to be elevated.

For one many RPGs share very similar gameplay especially the turn based types yet are each recieved differently, under your attempted gameplay logic they should all be of equal recption despite having different settings, characters, stories etc... Right? Come off this garbage you're throwing out please it's amusing, different games have different approaches and some are more gameplay dependent then others, TL has simple gameplay but is built around the quirk and social charm of Miis. Gameplay is one part of a machine that is execution, a game can have good gameplay but not be as well recieved because of the overall execution, in TL the concept is a social simulation with Miis that's the main draw of the game and what it's pushed as.

The only amusing thing here is the contortions you're twisting into trying to prove that Miis are super popular. I PROMISE you, the people who bought Tomodachi Life are the people who will download this Miitomo thing. But what we are all trying to say is that 'that's not the kind of market penetration investors were hoping for when Nintendo said they were going mobile.'

"it's all centred around Miis this is something you can never argue."

10% market cap gone in a few hours after this announcement, that's somethiing YOU can never argue.

VitroBahllee said:

The only amusing thing here is the contortions you're twisting into trying to prove that Miis are super popular. I PROMISE you, the people who bought Tomodachi Life are the people who will download this Miitomo thing. But what we are all trying to say is that 'that's not the kind of market penetration investors were hoping for when Nintendo said they were going mobile.'

"it's all centred around Miis this is something you can never argue."

10% market cap gone in a few hours after this announcement, that's somethiing YOU can never argue.

Mate after your post on investors it's best you keep away from mentioning stocks TL has sold 4m, no matter what rubbish you try to spout that contradicts both you and him, try arguing 4m is a bad number, it'll essentially mean the whole industry isn't doing well. I work in the financial markets as well so I'll school you hard on how markets move, investors trade and buy stocks based on news and speculation this is why stocks shot up when the mobile deal was announced and the title was due this quarter, investors were expecting a title release now. Investors were scrambling buying stock which itself would drive the price up further, the delay means that the title now due out next quarter won't give the speculated returns this quarter, the whole market moves on speculation, this is why when ever you see topics on stocks and shares on a forum and people like yourself trying to use them as an argument not knowing what it really means it's laughable.

The Funny thing is if you check the markets now it'll no longer be 10% it'll be less, as it's common for news to cause prices to flutuate in a few hours all the maaters is the opening price and the closing price of stock. Those few hours tell me that a few investors along with some brokerages sold stock to cash on the lower prices they bought earlier this year, the drop in price now is them selling with the intention of re-entering. Trust me the stock will shoot up again when release is close.

Wyrdness said:
potato_hamster said:

There are no generic characters in TL? According to who exactly? You don't have to create a character that represents yourself. You can create whatever you character you want. I actually am familiar with this game. One Let's player imported a Mii of Waluigi. I guess he never cared about playing as himself? I guess he missed the whole point of the game according to you? He used the Mii creator to create another character. How is that any different than creating a character in Skyrim that looks like Waluigi? Ohh right it isn't. It's just a character creator.

"The entire game is centred on throwing your avatar in antics and interaction" -

This can literally describe any game which allows you to create a character and do anything with that created character. It is utterly meaningless.

"Arguing that's not the draw of the game is like arguing fans of horror games don't buy their games for horror."

I'm sorry, is games that feature Mii avatars now a genre? Ohh it isn't? Huh. I guess that's a pretty terrible analogy. Tomodachi Life is a Life Simulation game. Would you say that the main draw of the sims is playing as characters that are stylzed humans? No. No one really cares about Sims characters. If EA allows you to import your sims character into the latest Madden football game, that isn't going to lead to an increase in sales, because the gameplay is the selling feature of the sims, not the avatar. How about Splatoon avatars? Is the main draw of that game the fact that the avatars in that game look like an anthropomorpic squid/octopusl? Of course not. They buy Splatoon because of the gameplay. No one really cares about Inklings or Octolings. Replace those characters with characters that look completely different but equally appealing and that game would sell just as well and be just as enjoyable to play.

So again, what evidence do you have that the main draw of Tomodachi Life is playing as your Mii any more than the main draw of splatoon is playing as an Inkling, for example?

1- Yes the are no generic characters in TL, that's the game by default it's what the player wants it to be and here's the kicker for you, it's all centred around Miis this is something you can never argue. He imported a Mii, that Mii he imported is to interact with other Miis he has, are you seeing the pattern here? Take your time and don't rush.

2- Seeing as you're grasping at straws and trying hard to take everything out of context, the game is about Miis in a quirky social simulation.

3- Analogy is fine it's just your desperation that's amusing at this point, this was explain in the first point but it's one you're struggling to grasp, Tomodachi Life is a game about Miis and even marketed with Miis as such. Here's the thing about gameplay it's applied to a concept to work and gameplay itself can rely on a number of aspects to be elevated.

For one many RPGs share very similar gameplay especially the turn based types yet are each recieved differently, under your attempted gameplay logic they should all be of equal recption despite having different settings, characters, stories etc... Right? Come off this garbage you're throwing out please it's amusing, different games have different approaches and some are more gameplay dependent then others, TL has simple gameplay but is built around the quirk and social charm of Miis. Gameplay is one part of a machine that is execution, a game can have good gameplay but not be as well recieved because of the overall execution, in TL the concept is a social simulation with Miis that's the main draw of the game and what it's pushed as.

I'm grasping at straws?

The fact that you can import or create generic characters the exact same way as you can in any other game which allows you customize an avatar is somehow unique because that avatar is called a "Mii"? You gotta be joking me.

I create a character in the Sims that looks like Obama. Look Obama is my neighbor. How fun. I can invite Obama to my parties. i can set Obama up with my other neighbors. Obama goes on a date with a sim I created that looks like George Bush. How exciting! Vs - I create a character in Tomodachi life that looks like Obama.  Obama is my neighbor. I can invite Obama over to my parites. ! No wait! This is a Mii specific experience! It's all about the Mii! A Mii is my neighbor! Miis are special!


You can replace the avatars in Tomodachi Life with Microsoft Avatars and it wouldn't change the game in any way! It would play exactly the same. You could do exactly the same with with characters just as custom. The Mii does. not. matter. No one cares whether or not the characters look like Miis or not!

But here is where you lost me. Can you guess where?

"but is built around the quirk and social charm of Miis"

The quirk and social charm of Miis? What quirk and social charm? They literally had zero personalities in any way before this game. They had no voice. They had no quirks. There was literally nothing to distinguish one Mii from the next besides their appearance! They were souless, voiceless avatars that you could customize the look of. That's why when you add or import the character into TL you need to give them a voice, a personality. There is absolutely zero reason why this exactly same game could not be made with literally any other avatar style. None.  What are you getting on with?

Wyrdness said:

The Funny thing is if you check the markets now it'll no longer be 10% it'll be less, as it's common for news to cause prices to flutuate in a few hours all the maaters is the opening price and the closing price of stock. Those few hours tell me that a few investors along with some brokerages sold stock to cash on the lower prices they bought earlier this year, the drop in price now is them selling with the intention of re-entering. Trust me the stock will shoot up again when release is close.

"The Funny thing is if you check the markets now it'll no longer be 10% it'll be less,"

Still down 9.5%.

"Those few hours tell me that a few investors along with some brokerages sold stock to cash on the lower prices they bought earlier this year, the drop in price now is them selling with the intention of re-entering."

Ahh, right. They sold when the news was bad and the price plummetted so that they can buy them later, when the news improves, and the stock price is higher, so they'll make less money. Sounds intelligent.

"I work in the financial markets as well so I'll school you hard on how markets move, investors trade and buy stocks based on news and speculation this is why stocks shot up when the mobile deal was announced and the title was due this quarter, investors were expecting a title release now."

Well, don't show your employers the line of reasoning you used here. The fact that you attempt to work in financial markets doesn't mean you aren't in massive denial about Nintendo's investors presentation causing their stock to dip. This game is underwhelming and it isn't even a game. I'm sure the stock went up when Nintendo announced they were going into mobile gaming because investors thought they would be making actual mobile Nintendo games. This is just like Mii Plaza for phones, with a little added fluff, that is not what anyone expected. Of course, Nintendo delayed it like they do with everything, but I PROMISE you that if Nintendo had said, instead of 'Miitomo is our first mobile game, and it will be delayed until March,' that 'Miitomo is our first mobile game, and it's out right now!" their share price would have still gone down by a large amount.