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Wyrdness said:

The Funny thing is if you check the markets now it'll no longer be 10% it'll be less, as it's common for news to cause prices to flutuate in a few hours all the maaters is the opening price and the closing price of stock. Those few hours tell me that a few investors along with some brokerages sold stock to cash on the lower prices they bought earlier this year, the drop in price now is them selling with the intention of re-entering. Trust me the stock will shoot up again when release is close.

"The Funny thing is if you check the markets now it'll no longer be 10% it'll be less,"

Still down 9.5%.

"Those few hours tell me that a few investors along with some brokerages sold stock to cash on the lower prices they bought earlier this year, the drop in price now is them selling with the intention of re-entering."

Ahh, right. They sold when the news was bad and the price plummetted so that they can buy them later, when the news improves, and the stock price is higher, so they'll make less money. Sounds intelligent.

"I work in the financial markets as well so I'll school you hard on how markets move, investors trade and buy stocks based on news and speculation this is why stocks shot up when the mobile deal was announced and the title was due this quarter, investors were expecting a title release now."

Well, don't show your employers the line of reasoning you used here. The fact that you attempt to work in financial markets doesn't mean you aren't in massive denial about Nintendo's investors presentation causing their stock to dip. This game is underwhelming and it isn't even a game. I'm sure the stock went up when Nintendo announced they were going into mobile gaming because investors thought they would be making actual mobile Nintendo games. This is just like Mii Plaza for phones, with a little added fluff, that is not what anyone expected. Of course, Nintendo delayed it like they do with everything, but I PROMISE you that if Nintendo had said, instead of 'Miitomo is our first mobile game, and it will be delayed until March,' that 'Miitomo is our first mobile game, and it's out right now!" their share price would have still gone down by a large amount.