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Wyrdness said:
potato_hamster said:

No, It's a game solely devoted to interacting with generic characters that so happen to be Miis and placing them in all sorts of scenarios . Do you have any evidence that the game's main draw was the fact that you had an opportunity to use your Mii as opposed to any other generic character creator?

How is your logic any different than saying that the Khajiit are immensely popular characters because Skyrim sold over 18 million copies world wide? Would anyone say that Raiden is obviously a popular character because MGS2 sold 6 million copies world wide? No. Of course not.  Conversely, if Miis are so popular why did Wii Sports Club for the Wii U sell so terribly, people love playing with their Miis right?

The logic here is so flawed. For all we know the game sold well despite the fact that it used Miis.

The only flawed logic is the one you're employing to feed your denial, the are no generic characters in TL, you create a Mii that represents yourself and even give it a voice, you can even import Miis from other devices. The entire game is centred on throwing your avatar in antics and interaction, how do I know that's the draw of game? That's all you do in it that's how I know, the game is built around Miis it's the sequel to Tomodachi Collection, as more Miis cross paths more situations arise. Your argument flat out tells me you know little of the game you're trying to argue.

Arguing that's not the draw of the game is like arguing fans of horror games don't buy their games for horror.

There are no generic characters in TL? According to who exactly? You don't have to create a character that represents yourself. You can create whatever you character you want. I actually am familiar with this game. One Let's player imported a Mii of Waluigi. I guess he never cared about playing as himself? I guess he missed the whole point of the game according to you? He used the Mii creator to create another character. How is that any different than creating a character in Skyrim that looks like Waluigi? Ohh right it isn't. It's just a character creator.

"The entire game is centred on throwing your avatar in antics and interaction" -

This can literally describe any game which allows you to create a character and do anything with that created character. It is utterly meaningless.

"Arguing that's not the draw of the game is like arguing fans of horror games don't buy their games for horror."

I'm sorry, is games that feature Mii avatars now a genre? Ohh it isn't? Huh. I guess that's a pretty terrible analogy. Tomodachi Life is a Life Simulation game. Would you say that the main draw of the sims is playing as characters that are stylzed humans? No. No one really cares about Sims characters. If EA allows you to import your sims character into the latest Madden football game, that isn't going to lead to an increase in sales, because the gameplay is the selling feature of the sims, not the avatar. How about Splatoon avatars? Is the main draw of that game the fact that the avatars in that game look like an anthropomorpic squid/octopusl? Of course not. They buy Splatoon because of the gameplay. No one really cares about Inklings or Octolings. Replace those characters with characters that look completely different but equally appealing and that game would sell just as well and be just as enjoyable to play.

So again, what evidence do you have that the main draw of Tomodachi Life is playing as your Mii any more than the main draw of splatoon is playing as an Inkling, for example?