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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Is "Miitomo" a good idea?


Is Miitomo a good idea?

Yes, because... 115 53.49%
No, because... 99 46.05%
Wyrdness said:

I see a lot of people with this view that this app is an attempt to get people to buy hardware when in fact it's turning smart phones into a Nintendo platform as well, completely different angle altogether.

That's oversimplifying it a bit, but basically this.

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spemanig said:
Wyrdness said:

I see a lot of people with this view that this app is an attempt to get people to buy hardware when in fact it's turning smart phones into a Nintendo platform as well, completely different angle altogether.

That's oversimplifying it a bit, but basically this.

I mentioned this in my response to the OP, this app, is ment to be the "exposed communication" hub for the account system, much like the 3DS had Mii plaza. And this seems very much the idea that was put into place here.

BlkPaladin said:

I mentioned this in my response to the OP, this app, is ment to be the "exposed communication" hub for the account system, much like the 3DS had Mii plaza. And this seems very much the idea that was put into place here.

What I'm wondering is if Nintendo's mobile games won't actually be hosted through this app. Like, will there only be one app, Miitomo, where all their real mobile games will be played, and not just Miitomo specific minigames.

That's not me speculating. I'm genuinely wondering.

spemanig said:
potato_hamster said:

You mean the games that came bundled with consoles and/or controllers? Those "Wii Whatever" games? Yeah that definitely didn't affect their sales numbers at all  Nope. No one cares about Miis.

I hope you're being sarcastic.

No I'm serious. I'd say about 90% of people who created Miis haven't used them at all in the past 3-4 years, or since they last played Wii Bowling. Even then, pretty much everyone I played my Wii with couldn't give a rats arse cheek what their Mii looked like. In fact a few of my Wii owning friends never even bothered to create one, and just used the generic offerings that were preset on the console.

No one cares about Miis. Well, besides you.

potato_hamster said:
spemanig said:

I hope you're being sarcastic.

No I'm serious. I'd say about 90% of people who created Miis haven't used them at all in the past 3-4 years, or since they last played Wii Bowling. Even then, pretty much everyone I played my Wii with couldn't give a rats arse cheek what their Mii looked like. In fact a few of my Wii owning friends never even bothered to create one, and just used the generic offerings that were preset on the console.

No one cares about Miis. Well, besides you.

200m Miis have been created dude. You're lying to yourself. It doesn't matter if their relevence has been dormant. They were a sensation when they came out for years, and people loved them. Not just me - Hundreds of millions of people. You're anecdote means shit against raw numbers. The only reason the IP is dormant is because the hardware they were tied to is no longer relevant. The massive success of things like Tomodachi Life and Street Pass Mii Plaza is absolute proof that the Mii IP is still loved. That IP will explode as a social platform on such a massive social pool as the mobile market.

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Wyrdness said:
potato_hamster said:

You mean the games that came bundled with consoles and/or controllers? Those "Wii Whatever" games? Yeah that definitely didn't affect their sales numbers at all  Nope. No one cares about Miis.

Tomodachi Life says otherwise.

A game that sold 4 million copies world wide? Wouldn't that be one of the lowest selling games featuring Mii characters? Besides like Wii Party 2 and Wii Music? Is that supposed to be impressive?

I don't see anyone who seems to indicate that the game sold well because the game featured Miis.  I bet they could just as easily replace the Miis with Animal Crossing characters, and I bet it would sell just as well, if not more.

spemanig said:
potato_hamster said:

No I'm serious. I'd say about 90% of people who created Miis haven't used them at all in the past 3-4 years, or since they last played Wii Bowling. Even then, pretty much everyone I played my Wii with couldn't give a rats arse cheek what their Mii looked like. In fact a few of my Wii owning friends never even bothered to create one, and just used the generic offerings that were preset on the console.

No one cares about Miis. Well, besides you.

200m Miis have been created dude. You're lying to yourself. It doesn't matter if their relevence has been dormant. They were a sensation when they came out for years, and people loved them. Not just me - Hundreds of millions of people. You're anecdote means shit against raw numbers. The only reason the IP is dormant is because the hardware they were tied to is no longer relevant. The massive success of things like Tomodachi Life and Street Pass Mii Plaza is absolute proof that the Mii IP is still loved. That IP will explode as a social platform on such a massive social pool as the mobile market.

200 Million miis created on a console that sold 100 million consoles? That's an average of 2 per console, and I know you, and the 10 million other die-hard Nintendo fans probably created a few dozen each yourselves, which probably means the typical Wii User created about 1. I know right? That's just incredible. Hugely popular!

Tomodatchi life sold less than 5 million copies world wide.  What exactly is your point here? To prove that 98% of people who created Miis couldn't be bothered enough by them to buy Tomodachi Life? Street pass mii plaza came pre-loaded on 3DSs. How exactly is this indicative of the success of Miis.

Again - no one cares about Miis.

potato_hamster said:
spemanig said:
potato_hamster said:

No I'm serious. I'd say about 90% of people who created Miis haven't used them at all in the past 3-4 years, or since they last played Wii Bowling. Even then, pretty much everyone I played my Wii with couldn't give a rats arse cheek what their Mii looked like. In fact a few of my Wii owning friends never even bothered to create one, and just used the generic offerings that were preset on the console.

No one cares about Miis. Well, besides you.

200m Miis have been created dude. You're lying to yourself. It doesn't matter if their relevence has been dormant. They were a sensation when they came out for years, and people loved them. Not just me - Hundreds of millions of people. You're anecdote means shit against raw numbers. The only reason the IP is dormant is because the hardware they were tied to is no longer relevant. The massive success of things like Tomodachi Life and Street Pass Mii Plaza is absolute proof that the Mii IP is still loved. That IP will explode as a social platform on such a massive social pool as the mobile market.

200 Million miis created on a console that sold 100 million consoles? That's an average of 2 per console, and I know you, and the 10 million other die-hard Nintendo fans probably created a few dozen each yourselves, which probably means the typical Wii User created about 1. I know right? That's just incredible. Hugely popular!

Tomodatchi life sold less than 5 million copies world wide.  What exactly is your point here? To prove that 98% of people who created Miis couldn't be bothered enough by them to buy Tomodachi Life? Street pass mii plaza came pre-loaded on 3DSs. How exactly is this indicative of the success of Miis.

Again - no one cares about Miis.

I disagree with the entire comment, but to suggest that almost 5 milions of Tomodachi life sold is a low number or that it represent the low popularity of Mii (when is the other way around) is simply hilarious.

spemanig said:
Goodnightmoon said:

I was thinking the same, it is a pretty good idea if true.

Is amazing how many people is already judging the game without knowing the most important things about it. Even Patcher has been shitting about the "game".

I still think it's not far to not call it a game. It is a game, but in the same way that Street Plaza or Rusty is one. It's less a singular, focused game and more of a minigame collection with a social hub. What Nintendo showed us was the social hub part. Like I said in March, I think the games will be focused around social play. Games like Words with Friends (WWF) or Draw Something (DS) are perfect examples of what to expect. I think people were expecting like Puzzles and Dragons or something deep like that, but that kind of stuff isn't going to get Nintendo the installed base they obviously want.

DeNA wasn't partnered with to make mobile games - they were teamed up with to make My Nintendo/Nintendo Accounts. Everything they are doing is in service of that. Miitomo is going to have absolutely massive world wide appeal for the same reasons Mii's did on the Wii - it's simple and cute to make your own Mii. It's going to be an absolute sinch to get people to download Miitomo, especially since they're going to promote it like an actual product with an actual marketing campaign. It's going to easily reach 10s of millions of downloads day one. That's not even a question.

After that, it's those social interactions that will give the game retention. Like I said, the key is passive relationships with the app. Miitomo isn't going to demand anything of your time. Just like Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter, you can check it absolutely at your leisure. You can leave it for weeks, and you won't be losing out on anything. There's no commitment, but there will be little tacticle draws to pull you in. The little questions are one thing, as it'll likely be used to facilitate match making with people on your friends list, but the mini games will be another big thing.

WWF and DS were so successful because playing the games were passive experiences. You interacted with the games the way you interact with a text message or any social media notification. You pop in, do one move, leave, and wait to be notified of your friends move. That's what I think Nintendo is going for with their Miitomo minigames. And that's genius, because it allows life to move on around these games. And the games themselves are a form of social interaction, only instead of texting friends, you're playing with them. Think Cards Against Humanity or Scrabble. The games are meant to facilitate conversation and social interaction. The games aren't fun just because the gameplay is fun - they are mostly fun because they are great social lubricant.

So I doubt any of the Miitomo minigames will be single player. They will all be either 1v1, group challenges, or even "co-op." But they will be designed to play with friends, and the reason why the entire app is being designed this way is to - you all guessed it - get as many people to make Nintendo Accounts and have My Nintendo as possible. Best way to do that? Getting people to get their friends to get it so you can interact with them. I got my Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter accounts solely because my friends were so adamant about me getting one. The exact same thing will happen with Miitomo, only that account will then be used for theme parks, movies, other mobile games, NX platforms/Wii U/3DS, and PC. Nintendo Accounts/My Nintendo is the end goal for Miitomo. That is the foundation for which the NX is being built, and it starts in March. Those accounts are going to spread like wild fire.

It's so obvious when you think about it.

Yes sounds pretty logic, I really hope they are taking this way with Miitomo because it would be brilliant.

I think using Mii's is not a bad idea. Not everyone likes to post their pics, so using a Mii to interact is a good idea.

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