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potato_hamster said:
spemanig said:

I hope you're being sarcastic.

No I'm serious. I'd say about 90% of people who created Miis haven't used them at all in the past 3-4 years, or since they last played Wii Bowling. Even then, pretty much everyone I played my Wii with couldn't give a rats arse cheek what their Mii looked like. In fact a few of my Wii owning friends never even bothered to create one, and just used the generic offerings that were preset on the console.

No one cares about Miis. Well, besides you.

200m Miis have been created dude. You're lying to yourself. It doesn't matter if their relevence has been dormant. They were a sensation when they came out for years, and people loved them. Not just me - Hundreds of millions of people. You're anecdote means shit against raw numbers. The only reason the IP is dormant is because the hardware they were tied to is no longer relevant. The massive success of things like Tomodachi Life and Street Pass Mii Plaza is absolute proof that the Mii IP is still loved. That IP will explode as a social platform on such a massive social pool as the mobile market.