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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Is "Miitomo" a good idea?


Is Miitomo a good idea?

Yes, because... 115 53.49%
No, because... 99 46.05%
Goodnightmoon said:
potato_hamster said:
spemanig said:
potato_hamster said:

No I'm serious. I'd say about 90% of people who created Miis haven't used them at all in the past 3-4 years, or since they last played Wii Bowling. Even then, pretty much everyone I played my Wii with couldn't give a rats arse cheek what their Mii looked like. In fact a few of my Wii owning friends never even bothered to create one, and just used the generic offerings that were preset on the console.

No one cares about Miis. Well, besides you.

200m Miis have been created dude. You're lying to yourself. It doesn't matter if their relevence has been dormant. They were a sensation when they came out for years, and people loved them. Not just me - Hundreds of millions of people. You're anecdote means shit against raw numbers. The only reason the IP is dormant is because the hardware they were tied to is no longer relevant. The massive success of things like Tomodachi Life and Street Pass Mii Plaza is absolute proof that the Mii IP is still loved. That IP will explode as a social platform on such a massive social pool as the mobile market.

200 Million miis created on a console that sold 100 million consoles? That's an average of 2 per console, and I know you, and the 10 million other die-hard Nintendo fans probably created a few dozen each yourselves, which probably means the typical Wii User created about 1. I know right? That's just incredible. Hugely popular!

Tomodatchi life sold less than 5 million copies world wide.  What exactly is your point here? To prove that 98% of people who created Miis couldn't be bothered enough by them to buy Tomodachi Life? Street pass mii plaza came pre-loaded on 3DSs. How exactly is this indicative of the success of Miis.

Again - no one cares about Miis.

I disagree with the entire comment, but to suggest that almost 5 milions of Tomodachi life sold is a low number or that it represent the low popularity of Mii (when is the other way around) is simply hilarious.

How is one game selling 5 million on a handheld that has sold 55 million world-wide indicative of the immense popularity of the Mii? Seriously. How?
How do you know that any of those sales were affected by the inclusion of the Mii?

The only thing that is hilarious here is the continued cognitive dissonance Nintendo diehards continue to show.

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Pavolink said:
I think using Mii's is not a bad idea. Not everyone likes to post their pics, so using a Mii to interact is a good idea.

I don't even think that's really it. There just aren't any massively successful social platform that uses avatars. Having one that does is a huge differenciting factor, and could function like personalized emogis.

potato_hamster said:
Wyrdness said:

Tomodachi Life says otherwise.

A game that sold 4 million copies world wide? Wouldn't that be one of the lowest selling games featuring Mii characters? Besides like Wii Party 2 and Wii Music? Is that supposed to be impressive?

I don't see anyone who seems to indicate that the game sold well because the game featured Miis.  I bet they could just as easily replace the Miis with Animal Crossing characters, and I bet it would sell just as well, if not more.

It's a game solely devoted to interacting with Miis and placing them in all sorts of scenarios unlike the other titles and it sold 4m WW more then the majority of games today can sniff at, that flat out tells you Miis have an impact. Go watch videos of the game Miis and their interactions are the draw for the title.

Wyrdness said:
potato_hamster said:

A game that sold 4 million copies world wide? Wouldn't that be one of the lowest selling games featuring Mii characters? Besides like Wii Party 2 and Wii Music? Is that supposed to be impressive?

I don't see anyone who seems to indicate that the game sold well because the game featured Miis.  I bet they could just as easily replace the Miis with Animal Crossing characters, and I bet it would sell just as well, if not more.

It's a game solely devoted to interacting with Miis and placing them in all sorts of scenarios unlike the other titles and it sold 4m WW more then the majority of games today can sniff at, that flat out tells you Miis have an impact. Go watch videos of the game Miis and their interactions are the draw for the title.

No, It's a game solely devoted to interacting with generic characters that so happen to be Miis and placing them in all sorts of scenarios . Do you have any evidence that the game's main draw was the fact that you had an opportunity to use your Mii as opposed to any other generic character creator?

How is your logic any different than saying that the Khajiit are immensely popular characters because Skyrim sold over 18 million copies world wide? Would anyone say that Raiden is obviously a popular character because MGS2 sold 6 million copies world wide? No. Of course not.  Conversely, if Miis are so popular why did Wii Sports Club for the Wii U sell so terribly, people love playing with their Miis right?

The logic here is so flawed. For all we know the game sold well despite the fact that it used Miis.

spemanig said:
SJReiter said:
No because it will not attract people to Nintendo's dedicated gaming hardware. I thought the whole point of Nintendo's mobile initiative was to attract new users to their own hardware. How in the world is something like Miitomo going to do that? Yeah it features Miis, but no one is going to want to buy a 3DS/Wii U just to mess around with Mii stuff. I just don't see the logic here. That's why they should've at least used some Nintendo character so it could somewhat attract people to other games with that character.

First off, Miis are Nintendo characters.

Second off, Miis are part of the 4th biggest gaming franchises in the world, behind GTA, then Pokemon, then Mario.

Finally, the initiative to get people buying their consoles is not a linear one. The thinking was never intended to be "if we get people to make a Mii on their phone, they'll drop hundreds on a dedicated gaming platform." It's far more complex than that. This is an initiation into the My Nintendo ecosystem. This is being done in steps. Miitomo is the first, absolutely integral, absolutely genius step.

I understand that Miis are Nintendo characters, maybe I should've expanded more. So Miis were a huge deal. A really huge deal! But that was almost 10 years ago. Something like Miitomo would've been a good idea about 5 years ago. Look at sales data for games mainly involving Miis this gen. Wii Sports Club sold terribly. I know Tomodatchi Life did pretty well but not gangbusters. And it seems as if people really don't like the Wii U menu's focus on Miis (no data to support this, just my estimation). Basically, it doesn't seems as though Miis are a big deal anymore, and while they are recognizable, it doesn't seems to be in a good way. I'm worried that when people see someone playing with a Mii on their phone it's simply going to be met with derision and nothing else. 

Also, didn't Iwata or some big wig at Nintendo explicitly state that the goal of mobile games was to attract more people to their dedicated hardware? Am I misremembering?

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When you see the huge success of Tomodachi Life and Line, yes, it's definitely a great idea.

potato_hamster said:

No, It's a game solely devoted to interacting with generic characters that so happen to be Miis and placing them in all sorts of scenarios . Do you have any evidence that the game's main draw was the fact that you had an opportunity to use your Mii as opposed to any other generic character creator?

How is your logic any different than saying that the Khajiit are immensely popular characters because Skyrim sold over 18 million copies world wide? Would anyone say that Raiden is obviously a popular character because MGS2 sold 6 million copies world wide? No. Of course not.  Conversely, if Miis are so popular why did Wii Sports Club for the Wii U sell so terribly, people love playing with their Miis right?

The logic here is so flawed. For all we know the game sold well despite the fact that it used Miis.

The only flawed logic is the one you're employing to feed your denial, the are no generic characters in TL, you create a Mii that represents yourself and even give it a voice, you can even import Miis from other devices. The entire game is centred on throwing your avatar in antics and interaction, how do I know that's the draw of game? That's all you do in it that's how I know, the game is built around Miis it's the sequel to Tomodachi Collection, as more Miis cross paths more situations arise. Your argument flat out tells me you know little of the game you're trying to argue.

Arguing that's not the draw of the game is like arguing fans of horror games don't buy their games for horror.

It's not a game and remember that Nintendo stated that they'd make apps that would entice the "players" to their consoles. I don't think this will work but it is what Nintendo planned. Hopefully, Nintendo has plans to make actual games in the future but if this one is delayed and the 5 "game" plan expires in 2017...what could they be doing? Hopefully, they're taking the time to make actually good mobile gaming apps and join the ranks of the other companies that are raking in the cash just by porting and "remastering" old games. I just don't get Nintendo sometimes. The stupid QOL initiative, now Miitomo or whatever it's called. Just make games Nintendo. Everyone else in your industry is making groundbreaking games...I think you should follow their lead. Okay, that last part was out of shear disappointment from Nintendo. Like...what the hell are they doing over there?

Ljink96 said:
It's not a game and remember that Nintendo stated that they'd make apps that would entice the "players" to their consoles. I don't think this will work but it is what Nintendo planned. Hopefully, Nintendo has plans to make actual games in the future but if this one is delayed and the 5 "game" plan expires in 2017...what could they be doing? Hopefully, they're taking the time to make actually good mobile gaming apps and join the ranks of the other companies that are raking in the cash just by porting and "remastering" old games. I just don't get Nintendo sometimes. The stupid QOL initiative, now Miitomo or whatever it's called. Just make games Nintendo. Everyone else in your industry is making groundbreaking games...I think you should follow their lead. Okay, that last part was out of shear disappointment from Nintendo. Like...what the hell are they doing over there?

They will release F-Zero for mobiles.

Maybe even Fire Emblem.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

Prediction: Nintendo will not have 5 smartphone games released by March 2017 as they have stated. I know, it's bold.