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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is Chrono Trigger the Greatest RPG Ever Made?


Is Chrono Trigger the Greatest RPG Ever Made?

Yes 117 42.86%
No 111 40.66%
I haven't played it so I can't say. 45 16.48%

It's good but it's not even close to been one of the best RPGs ...

Maybe it's one of the greatest JRPGs and even then there's a few others I would pick over Chrono Trigger ...

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No JRPG can be the best RPG of all time. Not for its time or otherwise.
Sorry console gamers.


Among jrpgs it's on the short list, of all rpgs, nope.

No, there is no rpg or any game in general that is the greatest of all time. People on the Internet always confuse "best game" with their favorite game. Anyways xenoblade chronicles is my favorite rpg, chrono trigger is obviously great though.

Nautilus said:
Well, Chrono trigger and FF 6 is the best rpgs of all time, but which one i cant really say, although for me Chrono Trigger has a slight edge.
But actually chrono trigger is not only one of the best rpgs of all time, but one of the best game of all time.(with ff 6)

I was going to say the same thing :P


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It is among the discussion, but it is quite difficult to state such sadly. It is however, a very influential RPG thanks to its time travel mechanics.

" It has never been about acknowledgement when you achieve something. When you are acknowledged, then and only then can you achieve something. Always have your friends first to achieve your goals later." - OnlyForDisplay

I love the game to death, but it's not the best RPG ever, to me. However the "best" is subjective anyway, so anyone calling anything the best is just spouting their opinion.

Secret of Mana is the best rpg.

Depending on the day of the week for me it is either ff6 or chrono trigger, today I vote yes

I can't say any game is the best for me. But sure, Chrono Trigger is one of the best rpg's ever made!
It's up there with The Legend Of Zelda A Link To The Past, Secret Of Mana 1&2, Terranigma and Secret Of Evermore. And more recent, you can add Xenoblade Chronicles to that list which is amazing as well.