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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is Chrono Trigger the Greatest RPG Ever Made?


Is Chrono Trigger the Greatest RPG Ever Made?

Yes 117 42.86%
No 111 40.66%
I haven't played it so I can't say. 45 16.48%

It's a great game, though not my favourite RPG, probably not even in my top 10, whatever that may be..

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painmaster212 said:
ps3-sales! said:



It's in the discussion of the great RPG's. but that absolute greatest no it's not close. I maybe could have worded that a bit differently. I have mad respect for Chrono Trigger but I could name 10 RPG's from just the 7th gen that are superior to it.

Well what would you consider the greatest jrpg of alltime then? I couldn't name a single game in the genre from the last 2 maybe 3 generations that are better. I'm saying this and Chrono Trigger isn't even my favorite JRPG but I do know how good it is and how not many games in the genre pass it.


On topic, I don't personally think it's the best but I would not blame anyone for placing it there.

To be fair, the discussion was not for best JRPG, but for best RPG. That narrows it down a lot. 


If by your standards we're only talking about JRPG, then from the 7th gen I think Ni No Kuni was a better JRPG. FF13 sucked, Blue Dragon was decent, so i can't really think of anything else for JRPG. 


As for RPG in general the entire Mass Effect Trilogy, Fallout 3/New Vegas, Skyrim/Oblivion, Witcher 3, Dragon age are all better RPG's. Also from 6th gen Kingdom Hearts 1/2 and most of the FF games are superior. 


When people say how amazing Chrono Trigger is it must be taken in context. It's amazing for the time it was released in. Sure. And I agree. But to compare that with modern RPG's is ludacrious. 

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I hate JRPGs. I think it's definitely the worst genre in gaming. Over the top characters, ridiculous plots, boring combat, grinding, too much filler content, yada yada yada.

But I love Chrono Trigger. So for me, yes, Chrono Trigger is the best (and one of the few good) JRPGs. 

But if we're talking about RPG in general (excluding Japan), not even close.

No, that would have to be Paper Mario TTYD imo. Chrono Trigger is still in my top 5 though!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

AEGRO said:

I would like to know, of all the people that voted YES, how many of them played/finished the game recently for the first time?

I finished the game a year ago for the first time on my Vita, and i think that the game is really good but nowhere near the Best RPG of ALL TIME.

I think that Nostalgia is a realy big factor when it comes to these type of "Best of all time" threads.

I beat it last year for the first time and I think it's a masterpiece and a contender for best RPG of all time.

It's not always about nostalgia.

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No it's the third best, right after Xenogears and Final Fantasy 6.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

Why is everyone so extremist with their tastes

Quite frankly, I haven't played it. But I've played tons of RPGs in my life and nothing comes close to Ni no Kuni.

If they ever make a remake/remaster that looks good enough, I'll make sure to play it and see for myself.

I guess if we ignore Persona 4 Golden then sure.

PSN: extremeM

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Maybe not the greatest.... but it's the greatest I've ever played.