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painmaster212 said:
ps3-sales! said:



It's in the discussion of the great RPG's. but that absolute greatest no it's not close. I maybe could have worded that a bit differently. I have mad respect for Chrono Trigger but I could name 10 RPG's from just the 7th gen that are superior to it.

Well what would you consider the greatest jrpg of alltime then? I couldn't name a single game in the genre from the last 2 maybe 3 generations that are better. I'm saying this and Chrono Trigger isn't even my favorite JRPG but I do know how good it is and how not many games in the genre pass it.


On topic, I don't personally think it's the best but I would not blame anyone for placing it there.

To be fair, the discussion was not for best JRPG, but for best RPG. That narrows it down a lot. 


If by your standards we're only talking about JRPG, then from the 7th gen I think Ni No Kuni was a better JRPG. FF13 sucked, Blue Dragon was decent, so i can't really think of anything else for JRPG. 


As for RPG in general the entire Mass Effect Trilogy, Fallout 3/New Vegas, Skyrim/Oblivion, Witcher 3, Dragon age are all better RPG's. Also from 6th gen Kingdom Hearts 1/2 and most of the FF games are superior. 


When people say how amazing Chrono Trigger is it must be taken in context. It's amazing for the time it was released in. Sure. And I agree. But to compare that with modern RPG's is ludacrious. 

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