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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Smash Ballot Charts *Updated* Completely Closed!



See Results (if you do really?) 5 100.00%

Alright the Shantae Poll is closed!

In the end she ended being comfortably being placed in pretty reasonable! I'm not going to lie, I'm really happy that alot of people think that she has a reasonable chance, even if you would prefer someone else.

The next character will be announced shortly

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Alright next up is the character that really should be playable in a mainstay LoZ game:

Impa! To me honestly she would simply make the most sense across the board:

1. No can argue she's sexualized. I mean, I'd honestly like to see you try lol

2. She is simply badass

3. She would be a fresh character for the Zelda line in Smash that isn't Link (though I like both versions in the game). Do we really need one more Link?

 ... maybe we dio... 

But seriously, she would be awesome to implement in the game. Especially the Hyrule Warriors iteration. Her moves from the game scream quality.

I'm going to go with perfect, which looking at this list I haven't done in a while.

Impa is a good candidate, as she is Nintendo IP and is unique enough so yes.

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Can we get Blue eyes, White link?

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Can we get Blue eyes, White link?

Red Eyes Black Link would be sooo much cooler though..

NintenDomination [May 2015 - July 2017]

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It absolutely baffles my mind that Impa is NOT a fighter in Smash Bros. yet.
I mean, she is one of the most recurring, main characters of one of Nintendo's "Big Three" franchises, she's one of the favorites of that franchise.
She's a very capable fighter in each installment she's in, ESPECIALLY Skyward Sword, where she thwarted Ghirahim's attempt to capture Zelda, TWICE.
I mean, this is literally a no brainer!! She's perfect for Smash Bros.!

30 minutes before Impa's ballot closes!

As things are now she is streamlined for the perfect place!

Alright Impa poll closed!

She ends it on a perfect note! (I know I've been using the HW version of her picks rather than OOT or SS, but this looks like a fusion of the two anyway :P)

Next character up shortly!

Up next is Chrono!

Unsure on this character. Square owns him I beleive and I'm sure they have the whole NX thing for Dragon Quest so I can definitely see this happening. I haven't played Chrono Trigger and I don't think he's perfect. Frankly he's not on my list of preferred characters either, but I really see nothing going against him atm moment so objectively I see him as perfect and I wouldn't mind if he's chosen.

I somehow doubt Chrono. Also, didn't Square just announce Dragon Quest XI as a PS4 console exclusive? If it's not coming to Wii-U, I would have doubts it's coming to NX

0331 Happiness is a belt-fed weapon