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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Smash Ballot Charts *Updated* Completely Closed!



See Results (if you do really?) 5 100.00%

I'd have to say no to Shovel Knight because even though he's a nice throwback to the 8/16 bit era, him being on other consoles other then Nintendo send him to the bottom of the list imo. Nintendo has enough characters of their own that deserve to be in their game then some new 3rd party character but if I were gonna add another 3rd party character, I would think there are plenty of other more deserving characters then him.

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Sorry for the delay. I was held up.


Poll closed! By a very small close call, Shovel ends up in the controversial, unlikely section of tConsidering some of the reasons given (thanks btw) I'd say the general connsus.


Next kharacter koming  up shortly

Ok, so the next character is the reptellian near lifelong enemy of one of our oldest characters... 

that isn't Bowser:

King K. Rool.

Now normally, I'd say perfect. DK 64 was a blast (for me and my siblings playing it) and he was a real villan in that game. Unfortunately there's a problem I see personally that may bolster a problem. 

He's big. Bigger than DK by a significicant margin. DK 64 being ridiculous heights but even the DKC games poised him much higher than DK. This seems pretty problematic because DK is already one of the biggest characters in the game.

It would really be cool to see him, but I feel as though this may have been a reason we haven't so far. Overall, I say debatable because it would be great to see him make it, but Sakurai may not think  he'll fit

What say you?

K.Rool is perfect. He has been in multiple games, he has a following and Super Smash Bros. needs to have more villains and heavy weight characters.

He's a better contestant than others, but I wouldn't want him in, as we already have a Mii Suit for him and I would like other characters (go FE! :p )

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Alright 30 minutes before the poll kloses. Kurrently it looks as though the King will hit perfekt by a little over a margin

Poll for the King K. Rool closed!

The last second really changd the direction of the votes. It went from being a perfect to just barely shifting to pretty reasonable. (Yes, I'm done with the k thing). Makes me ultimately glad I decided to do the 30 minute vote announcement.


Next character to be announced shortly!

Ok the next character on the list is the non-blue bomber


To be totally honest, I have no attachment to this character at all. I also never played his games so maybe that's the reason. Aesthetically, I hear many people say he's perfect. That may very well be true. Personally, I wonder about his actual moveset though, as I assume he can only throw and plant bombs. Due to this, I can't really decided based on that altogether. I will say that aesthetically he may look the part, and perhaps play the part. However, I think he would be debatable. Largely because of Konami (I painfully failed to remember this with Simon and innacurately made a decision based on that. I hope everyone else remembered and voted accordinagly. That said, I'll bring that up later). 

Ultimately, I put him in debatable because of the fact it is a very clearly appealing character choice even Konami, should reason to put him her before dropping bombs like pachinko bombs. But it still can blow up in smoke.

What say you?

He's perfect for Smash.
Actually knowing about Bomberman, I can attest that his move set, while seemingly simple has a ton of potential.
He can punch and kick bombs, use bombs to knock people out and pick them up and throw them, pick up and throw bombs. Hell he basically has aspects of Snake and Villager all rolled into one.

Since Hudson, god rest their soul, doesn't exist any more, Bomberman is a Hero without a home.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

oops accidentally reposted. Well time for filler then.


Thanks everyone for commenting. There's a lot I also want to say, but I'm already taking up half the thread as is :P