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Ok, so the next character is the reptellian near lifelong enemy of one of our oldest characters... 

that isn't Bowser:

King K. Rool.

Now normally, I'd say perfect. DK 64 was a blast (for me and my siblings playing it) and he was a real villan in that game. Unfortunately there's a problem I see personally that may bolster a problem. 

He's big. Bigger than DK by a significicant margin. DK 64 being ridiculous heights but even the DKC games poised him much higher than DK. This seems pretty problematic because DK is already one of the biggest characters in the game.

It would really be cool to see him, but I feel as though this may have been a reason we haven't so far. Overall, I say debatable because it would be great to see him make it, but Sakurai may not think  he'll fit

What say you?