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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Tatsumi Kimishima is the new president of Nintendo

Well. Since he was CEO of Nintendo of America, which was a pretty important role in of itself, that clearly shows that he has experience.
And now that he's head of the BIG one, Nintendo of Japan, I expect some positive changes in regards to Nintendo's treatment towards America.

Mario Party, Metroid Prime, and Pokemon, huh? Alright, then.
Personally, I was expecting someone younger, but I'm willing to give this man a chance.
We won't really see how well he does as the new president until about 1, maybe 2 years time. Since right now, Nintendo is focusing on bringing the last gifts and wishes of Mr. Iwata, (NX, QoL, mobile, etc.)

As a long time Nintendo fan, welcome aboard Mr. Kimishima.
Best of luck, and don't screw us over! :D

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Miyamotoo said:

I agree, Iwata is very uniqe, I dont see new CEO doint Nintendo Directs, very likle getting region Directs with Reggie, BIll Threnon, Shibata..

I now expecting next direct October-November or in January-February.

Who knows? Maybe he kills it in front of the camera. Pictures available from him aren't that convincing though.

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because:

AbbathTheGrim said:
StarOcean said:
Hopefully he'll try to fix NoA...

Are you implying some that firing/transfer a prominent executive is in order?

Nah, I'm saying make it better. Lately NoA has been slacking in pretty much everything. Almost didn't get Xenoblade and the other major Wii RPGs, our Club Nintendo rewards weren't nearly as good as our Japanese/European counterparts, we're getting things like the New 3DS (standard size) much later than the rest of the world for no reason (the "there's too mant DS models on the market right now" excuse wasn't convincing anyone), and many more things. Nintendo of America really needs to be fixed XD

StarOcean said:
AbbathTheGrim said:
StarOcean said:
Hopefully he'll try to fix NoA...

Are you implying some that firing/transfer a prominent executive is in order?

Nah, I'm saying make it better. Lately NoA has been slacking in pretty much everything. Almost didn't get Xenoblade and the other major Wii RPGs, our Club Nintendo rewards weren't nearly as good as our Japanese/European counterparts, we're getting things like the New 3DS (standard size) much later than the rest of the world for no reason (the "there's too mant DS models on the market right now" excuse wasn't convincing anyone), and many more things. Nintendo of America really needs to be fixed XD

I remember those demands for localizations of games as well.

It would feel like Nintendo's approach was don;t forget the West, but secure Japan and don't let it go.

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because:

The picture in the OP made me think that he was trhe boss of the Nintendo Ninjas. He looks a bit menacing, don't you think?

In any case, I'll wait until we see him in an interview or conference/Direct and how Nintendo manages the launch of NX before making any judgement.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Around the Network
AbbathTheGrim said:
SuperNova said:

Let's hope so, NOA has been on a little upwards trend with it's commercials lately and Nintendo in general seems to be listening to fan and critic feedback more. Hopefully he continues these trends.


Weeeeeeell, I'm not trying to be mean here, but Iwata certainly seemed more...charismatic than him. :P

He is sort of old too, but seems to be a veteran. I wonder if they put him in charge for the next 3-5 years in order to groom a younger successor.

It's bad to judge people on appearance but I will only say that when I saw his picture here I immediately thought he would take Nintendo into the Hentai videogame market. :P

If he manages his English very well then I guess he at least could have a strong presence during Nintendo conventions and stuff.

Who knows, maybe he is old but with modern ideas?

Ahaha, oh god, that's terrible, but I sort of want to see that alternate future now! XD

Maybe, but even so, he's kind of close to retirement age already, so it feels like a transitional, stabilizing thing to me.

Well they'll just give him some tropical fruit and it all will be fine!

SuperNova said:

Ahaha, oh god, that's terrible, but I sort of want to see that alternate future now! XD

Maybe, but even so, he's kind of close to retirement age already, so it feels like a transitional, stabilizing thing to me.

Well they'll just give him some tropical fruit and it all will be fine!

Hentai games is a untapped market for Nintendo. lol

Maybe one of the guys at the Board of Directors didn't have the votes so opted for a temporary president until he gets them.

Or maybe they sincerely believe he was the best option.

I don't know if retirement is obligatory after certain age, but if it isn't then he could have a long career judging by longetivity in Japan:

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because:

He contributed to MP games until 8, eh?

First thing I want him to do is that he should fire the people that made 9-10, get rid of those stupid car and mini-stars gimmicks, and bring back the old-fashioned formula that made MP originally fun.

In all seriousness though, I hope he does good things to Nintendo in the future. I was a bit concerned as of late since it's been 2 months lol.

Kotastic said:

He contributed to MP games until 8, eh?

First thing I want him to do is that he should fire the people that made 9-10, get rid of those stupid car and mini-stars gimmicks, and bring back the old-fashioned formula that made MP originally fun.

In all seriousness though, I hope he does good things to Nintendo in the future. I was a bit concerned as of late since it's been 2 months lol.

Face Palm.

You don't even know the reason why Mario Party started to decline?

Nd Cube is doing somewhat okay job for Mario Party 9 and Mario Party 10 after KONAMI. yes KONAMI of all company pretty much ended the development team of MP8

It is shame that Nintendo didn't took developers with them.

Kagerow said:
Kotastic said:

He contributed to MP games until 8, eh?

First thing I want him to do is that he should fire the people that made 9-10, get rid of those stupid car and mini-stars gimmicks, and bring back the old-fashioned formula that made MP originally fun.

In all seriousness though, I hope he does good things to Nintendo in the future. I was a bit concerned as of late since it's been 2 months lol.

Face Palm.

You don't even know the reason why Mario Party started to decline?

Nd Cube is doing really great job for Mario Party 9 and Mario Party 10 after KONAMI. yes KONAMI of all company pretty much ended the development team of MP8.

Face Palm

I was being facetious.

also MP8 and DS the highest selling Mario Parties in the series?...