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StarOcean said:
AbbathTheGrim said:
StarOcean said:
Hopefully he'll try to fix NoA...

Are you implying some that firing/transfer a prominent executive is in order?

Nah, I'm saying make it better. Lately NoA has been slacking in pretty much everything. Almost didn't get Xenoblade and the other major Wii RPGs, our Club Nintendo rewards weren't nearly as good as our Japanese/European counterparts, we're getting things like the New 3DS (standard size) much later than the rest of the world for no reason (the "there's too mant DS models on the market right now" excuse wasn't convincing anyone), and many more things. Nintendo of America really needs to be fixed XD

I remember those demands for localizations of games as well.

It would feel like Nintendo's approach was don;t forget the West, but secure Japan and don't let it go.

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because: