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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - AlphaOmegaSin on: NINTENDO NX and What it needs in order to succed!

If there's one guy in this world that I can trust to give me an unbiased, straight forward opinion about video gaming, it's this guy right here!!
He covers a wide variety of topics from gaming, anime, comic books, movies, real life events, etc.
And in this video, he finally gives his two cents on the ever so popular and ominous, Nintendo NX system!!

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I love AOS. May not be the most articulate or even the most correct, but he's damn honest, has a heart for the gamer, and I respect that.

His Fanboy Rant is the best thing I've ever seen on Youtube. It was just a huge "THANK YOU!!!" for me.

That's the biggest reason why I can trust him, he doesn't pledge loyalties, if a company fucks up, he'll let them have it and go viral with them. If they do something right, he compliments them and encourages them onward.
We need more fans like that.

everythig that comes out of AOS' mouth is truth

This is guy is a little too passionate and is a little too happy on swearing. I doubt Nintendo will change so dramatically in the next gen or at least the old board of Nintendo won't allow them to. Plus we already have patent of another controller with a screen. I agree that Nintendo should work on some more third party collaborations though.

In the end though, Soundwave's idea of a NX fusion make the most logical sense out of Nintendo but I wouldn't be surprise if all of us failed at guessing what it is or will become.

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He is right on most points but, that probably means that none of it will actually happen. NX needs to be powerful, it needs to get 3rd party developers on board and ideally it would have a more traditional controller (it's going to have a screen, but have it smaller and only use it for maps.)

I like his vids but I cringe a little at the end of them.

I really agree with his points on the hardware of the NX.

Since the NX is coming in late and years after the PS4 and Xbox One launched, I guess it would be considered the first 9th gen console similar as to how Wii U was considered the first 8th gen console? (hardware aside, talking about generation here).

Then that means if the NX is going to be considered a 9th gen console it shouldn't just be on par with the PS4 or Xbox One, it should be MORE powerful than them. So that way when Sony and Microsoft launch their 9th gen systems whenever that means Nintendo can still keep up HW wise and not have to create another system a few years later like they seem to be doing this gen.

Should also check out his friends the Gamechasers ;).
Edit: now watching AO's video :).

I've read the comments and many seem to be hoping for strong 3rd party support. I really hope they are not expecting anything from Western publishers, because that's not happening in this lifetime. Heck, even in the NES/SNES days the support came from Japanese publishers like Konami and Capcom.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---