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Forums - Politics Discussion - What are your thoughts on the refugees crisis in Europe?

Aeolus451 said:
Ruler said:

True but why is almost all of europe in Nato for example? We should stop supporting US foreign policy then we have a right to not take these immigrants.

In the same sense, the US should stop paying for Europe's defenses and the majority of the UN's budget. 

Roflmao? we are paying for this, germany is paying for US bases, you spy in these installations and get economic gain from that not to mention that Nato countries are buying US weapons. UN budget doesnt need US money most of that is paid by china, saudi arabia and japan

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Ruler said:
Aeolus451 said:

In the same sense, the US should stop paying for Europe's defenses and the majority of the UN's budget. 

Roflmao? we are paying for this, germany is paying for US bases, you spy in these installations and get economic gain from that not to mention that Nato countries are buying US weapons. UN budget doesnt need US money most of that is paid by china, saudi arabia and japan

The US pays well over 60% of the military budget for the UN. I'm willing to see how well they can handle things without US money. If they don't need the money. I'm cool with that.

I believe the US should have a more isolationistic approach when it comes to foreign policy. Keep alliances but pull the majority of funding, US bases, foreign aid from overseas. Stop meddling in other countries' affairs for the most part unless it's a situation like WWII. The US should also become more independent from other countries' goods and stop using foreign oil or oil completely. Of course, that would a very slow process. 

I think Canada should accept more refugees

#1 Amb-ass-ador

My thoughts on this matter would probably lead to my first moderation on this site if expressed fully.

Will just shorten it to the fact that there has been a rather large influx of people to Ireland who are not here looking for work but who are here because we had a good welfare system, couples who arrived a few years ago now have 10+ kids because the benefits for doing so in our country were silly, but yeah they're being abused and removed one by one now which will have long term effects on people who need social protection here if they legitimately lose their jobs or need financial aid. It's a shit situation, but there are a (hopefully minority) group of people who are making a really bad image for those who are legitimate about wanting to go to good countries for a better life and not just get to the country with the best handouts.


That was still pretty long, But I hope it was long enough to explain my feelings on the matter.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

Religion could lead to a cultural shock between people, however, not all Muslim people are radical. So I don't see a problem.

In Ecuador we've gave refuge to more than 200.000 Colombians due to their internal conflict with Paramilitary groups, and we don't have a problem with them living here. (Although we share the same religion, I'll give you that).

But to be honest, if Europe really wants to help, they should convince NATO (the US) to bargain with Bashar al-Assad to make a united front agaisnt ISIS.

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spemanig said:
generic-user-1 said:

hm i dont think europe needs modern middleeastern culture in anyway or form.  their culture is the reason for the refugees, so maybe assimilating isnt the worst idea...

The culture isn't the reason for the refugees. The freedom is. Let's not get that confused.

their culture is against freedom, and most of them flee because they are cowards. they run away wthout family or fighting.

i dont see any reason to not send them back as soon as ISIS is gone. other groups like the kurds, well, if they come, they just send their kids and old ones and stay in syria, turkey, iraq and fight against the people and culture thats keeping them away from beeing free.


we should send male heterosexuell sunni refugees back as soon as they are not in danger to get killed anymore.

the rest is in great danger even in a stabilized middle east. we cant send women back into a country were they have next to no rights.

Burek said:
Lawlight said:

This link says it was cancelled over security risks:

By security risks, they mean violence by Muslims. Obviously they haven't integrated that well.

You have bad info. 

Sorry, you will have to google translate from Croatian:

Good to hear that the fundamentalists did not have their way. The last thing we need is to give the people behind attacks such as the ones on Charlie Hebdo the satisfaction to think that they manage to suppress freedom of speech.

Psychotic said:
Sharu said:

3 and 4 is utter bullshit from the brain washed by western propaganda... )

Btw Gerard Depardie and boxer Roy Jones are getting russian citizenship, together with mr Jeff Monson...

We taking only the best ;)

Of course, of course, whatever helps you sleep at night

Well, he's got a point.

I remember the guy from over here -- what was his nickname I forgot, the one obsessed with gay topic -- he wanted to move from the US to Denmark, that always puzzled me. Why move from one deadbeat country to another one? In terms of energy-deficit, social security underfunding and economic imbalances or rather lack thereof Russia is not a bad place to live in. It might not have a good PR, but people who realize that the future of the world in decades to come would be rather stormy value those things. Crises are always good, because they help people to see things that do really matter over widely accepted beliefs, at least help those who'll survive. I don't have illusions, if in forthcoming decade Russia will lose, say, 1/3 of its economy I'd say: phew, narrow escape -- that's because certain neighbouring countries might be down by an order of magnitude. Why do you think I live here? I have other places to move and live in. At least six years ago I was right about Ukraine, now I have no hopes for Central Asian countries, for a great deal of Southern and Eastern Europe, the US, UK, Japan as much as I didn't for Ukraine in the past, and look how things turned out. I cannot guarantee a war in evey each of them, but I could guarantee a collapsing quality of life within mid-term scenario for all of them, which in turn will lead to unpredictiable political instability.

JRPGfan said:
europe cannot deal with how many are showing up, we need to start turning them away.

That is bullshit. People like yourself need to educate your self more on the matter.

Europe can and should help. It's a shame, such a shame. We did more with less resources during the second world war. Germany is  doing great, Sweden is doing good but could and will do better. Rest of Europe has a lot more to do.

The amount of racism in this thread is pathetic.