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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Fire Emblem Fates over sexualization is really off putting imo (pics)

Well now we know why it's taking over 6 months to be localized in America...

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The_Sony_Girl1 said:
garywood said:

You're just cherrypicking out the bits that fit your point! When playing in context of the game, it'll be largely unnoticeable. A lot of that stuff is hidden in the optional extras.

And also, look at in proportion to the entire characters rosters. It's really not that bad on the whole:


Is it just me, or do I say Gaius, Severa, Owain, and Inigo?

Fanservice. (and don't forget the tharja-like too)

They took some of the most popular characters in awakening and bring them here.

WhiteSky said:

is that for you too much? 

Is this too much for me? No. Absolutely not. Like someone else mentioned it would be perfect for senran kagura. But for Fire Emblem it is a tonal shift that is completely out of line with previous Fire Emblem games (barring awakening maybe) and it shouldn't be divorced from it's legacy.


On another note the reason I don't think an outfit like this make sense is not because it's (of course) completely impractical on the battlefield, it's a fantasy setting everything is basically fine as soon as magic is involved, but because it looks ultra uncomfortable. And depending on the climate you're in, cold.

No woman in her right mind would wear something like this on a regular basis unless she wanted to impress someone with it. And even then, she'd probably be happy to be out of it as fast as possible. I feel like if you're going to war you'd want to be as comfotable as possible to be able to concentrate on the fight and not constantly have the thong that rides too far up your arsecrack, or the fact that your giant boobs are uncomfortably swinging all over the place, or your high heel stuck in the mud, occupying your mind.

Contrary to popular belief big boobs (at least natural ones) don't stand up by themselves. In fact the bigger they are, the more they tend to follow gravity. A friend of mine literally holds her boobs in her hands when she hurrys up or down stairs, while wearing no, or only a loose bra, because bouncing boobs actually hurt.

If you at all consts want to have a scantly clad girl in battle, give me one in a sports bra, a semi loose fitting shirt, panties, socks (maybe kneepads) and combat boots. At least she will be comfortable like that.

As I said in a previous post, I don' mind all of these things if the games setting and environement/story or lack thereof are over the top enough to suspend my disbelief. I don't mind Bayonetta or Senran Kagura at all, at least with those two it fits the setting and they're honest about what they're doing. With FE it feels shoehorned in to me.

Namiirei said:
The_Sony_Girl1 said:
garywood said:

You're just cherrypicking out the bits that fit your point! When playing in context of the game, it'll be largely unnoticeable. A lot of that stuff is hidden in the optional extras.

And also, look at in proportion to the entire characters rosters. It's really not that bad on the whole:


Is it just me, or do I say Gaius, Severa, Owain, and Inigo?

Fanservice. (and don't forget the tharja-like too)

They took some of the most popular characters in awakening and bring them here.

I just read that you can make the Cordelia lookalike Severa's daughter. That would hurt.

Bet with Xander XT: 

I can beat more games on his 3DS than he can on my PSVita in a month. Loser has to buy the winner a game on his/her handheld Guess who won?


Fire Emblem was never a game which was supposed to have "fanservice" in my eyes. It's one thing having a bit in DLC or having some vague hints, but this seems a bit much in the main story for what should be a reasonably serious title. Something like this is fine though, because it isn't so "in your face".

Sure it's an optional mode for the most part, which is fine and some others might enjoy it. Good for them. But this isn't what I played Radiant Dawn for several hundred hours for. So long as the core game is fine, then that's the most important thing. Everything else can be just brushed off, regardless of how needless it may be.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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Wow. Well Fire Emblem has gone full anime. Not a good thing.

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius

ARamdomGamer said:
I'm going to ask this, is anybody here a fan of the series, and doesn't mind either "style" of the franchise?
I'm fan of Fire Emblem since PoR I have played all the ones that have gotten a western release and enjoy them all, my favorite being RD on Wii. Yet I still fail to see the problem some of you have with the "tasteless fanservice" of the recent titles, Also with the different artstyle, they are different artists for different games in the series, it's how they draw.

I don't care, namely when the franchise was saved from introducing the new style. Cannot hate something that allowed the franchise to exist and still have the core stuff still in it. 


SuperNova said:
What annoys me about oversexualization in certain IPs , especially if they didn't use to have it before, is that it serves literally no one. It's pointless. I mean honestly who of you is going to get off on a low poly mideval fourteen year old? We live in the age of the internet folks, porn is literally everywhere. Every desperate teen can just go on google and find some, it's not the 90's anymore and we don't need to have fanservice in every game just so some horny teen can spunk all over their 3ds. And if you really whant to see that hot Tharja action, theres more than enough fanart/fanfics to satisfy that, there's literally no need to make at least part of your core audience (see OP) uncomfortable.

I personally don't mind fanservice in games that were conceptualized with it, I usually get a chuckle out of it since it's usually utterly ridiculous and doesn't overlap with my definition of sexy either way, but I don't mind it in games like Bayonetta. The world and setting are so over the top already that it doesn't clash and Bayonetta is concieved as a sexy character and I'm fine with that. Where it annoys me is when it tonally clashes with the story and environements of the game (or my perception of what the game should be), would you be thrilled about an 'undressing Ellie' mini game in the TLoU? Having sexy times with adult Aurora from Child of light? Fondeling Solid Snake? (Yes he has an amazing butt, but so far I havent seen metal thong bikini alternate costumes for him and that's fine.)

Not every game needs to have fanservice. It's not a legitimate tool to broaden it's appeal like altering gameplay mechanics to make it more accessible. It doesn't make it more accessible, but as we can see from OP, in some cases it makes it less so.
I would also be uncomfortable letting children/young teens play the game. Not because 'sex is bad and OMG you can see her boobies', I don't have a problem with nakedness or sex, but because of the blatant objectification of the characters in the game. Sex is not a minigame. I wouldn't want my children to have the impression that a partner has to answer to all of their sexual whims.
And I'm sure that most of the people who enjoy the sexualization in the game, would enjoy the game with or without it. It's more of a bonus, rather than a core reason to buy the game.

This last one is more of a pet peeve of mine but, can we undress the male charcters as well? Is there also a male character onthe battlefield in nothing but a metal thong?
If yes, cudos game developers, you at least managed to not make your objectification sexist.
If not, great, another game concentrating on objectifying females for the pleasure of a narrow audience, namely Bi/straight males and bi/lesbian females. People, there is also the other half of humanity who like....y'know, guys.

I don't think my excessive eye-rolling at the game is go cause any permanent damage in the end, but I wont pretend I wouldn't have preferred them to not have a 'look at my underboob'-mini game.
As to the Impending 'censorship' in the western version, I don't give a damn, either way. I wasn't up in arms about bravely default, I'm not going to be over this either.

Conegamer said:

Fire Emblem was never a game which was supposed to have "fanservice" in my eyes. It's one thing having a bit in DLC or having some vague hints, but this seems a bit much in the main story for what should be a reasonably serious title. Something like this is fine though, because it isn't so "in your face".

Sure it's an optional mode for the most part, which is fine and some others might enjoy it. Good for them. But this isn't what I played Radiant Dawn for several hundred hours for. So long as the core game is fine, then that's the most important thing. Everything else can be just brushed off, regardless of how needless it may be. 

Pretty much these two answers.  I have nothing against sexualization in games if it was conceptualize/created with that type of character (I.e Dead Or Alive, Bayonetta) But once you start becoming this excessive with a franchise that remained wholesome for 20 years then it definitely becomes a probable

3DS I.D : 3282-2755-4646

I make bad threads.  

SSB really went downhill after Melee....

Manlet Crew

Aeolus451 said:
ToraTiger said:
Aeolus451 said:

Don't video game series evolve or change over time? Perhaps, the owners of the IP are trying to give it more appeal to a broader group of gamers. I don't know but it's obvious that they're playing around with going with a less modest character design and that may become the norm for the series. 

I get the point. The OP is hung up over seeing video game characters in skimpy clothes when the series was not normally like it and he's complaining about it. He has issues with the characters being sexualized and not so much with any other aspect of the game. If that wasn't the case then this thread wouldn't be here with all the pics to empathize his problem with it.

The OP has more problem than just that, but this stark overnight change in art and direction.  I can post a bunch of problems I had with Awakening (Which I state in the OP but don't clarify all  the details)

If you want all my complaints about the game and not just the art, setting, direction, story, ect here.


 The story is awful, the characters are flat, Pair Up breaks the game, the maps are repetitive, there's way too much pointless sexualization, the soundtrack really isn't that good, the DLC (other than Future Past, I've heard) is bad, some of the new official localizations we got are dumb (if you're going to make a point of removing Thracia's references, actually do it instead of half-assing it), the difficulty is either the new dumb fake stuff we're getting now or is just nonexistent, the world is horribly developed, the main protagonists and villains are a special brand of unacceptably awful horrendous terrible quality...

I mean, the gameplay follows the basic FE formula, so there's fun to be had, but all this game has over the other FE games are little streamlining bits - which partially are only helpful because of this game's faults. I shouldn't want to skip enemy phase because I should care what happens on enemy phase. Automatic restocking and such are nice additions, though. The interface is pretty solid, too. Way better than the SNES one.             

 Thanks for going into more detail on that.


Pair up is straight broken, do I really need to explain that any further?   Pair up 6 units with S-supports at an advance class and you literally can pound through the whole game on Normal, Hard and Most of Lunatic once you get pass the first few chapters.  Emeny reinforements are broken and cheap difficulty forcing you play the chapters multiple times.  I dislike the episodic structure was removed from awakening, I understand this is a portable game so they couldn't bore with interesting texts and talking like in the GC/Wii game, but literally all the story scenes are too short, none of the characters get any non-support character development or screen time.  Reminds me of Naruto when they only focus on the starting 4 characters and the rest of the cast just get ignored.  The music wasn't appealing imo, but that's my opinion of course, the graphics were good in battle, the maps and map graphics are absouletly terrible, the maps are beyond basic (Yes, this is the biggest complaint any FE fan would have with awakening) comparing it to the deep maps and interesting, reinforce, shove, command,  tactic in the wii/gc game. s Awakening came off straight as a streamlined mobile spinoff of FE.  Sure there are some nice streamlined bits and interesting deep mechanics but the reason they are convient is due to how shallow the game design is. 

And do I really need to say anything about the plot and villians?  This might be one of the worst stories I've ever seen an RPG, the DLC is overpriced and not worth it, again not my choice to buy it, but some things on there were cool (bride class) but for the most part it piss me off the waste of effort, and literally all of DLC characters that were suppose to represent the older characters look just like generic solideres in the enemies army but colored differently. 

3DS I.D : 3282-2755-4646

I make bad threads.  

SSB really went downhill after Melee....

Manlet Crew

mountaindewslave said:
ToraTiger said:


Thank god they do.  

This could get borderline the M rating in America, like it is in japan. 

Sad to see a series good from the bottom of the rating scale at E, and now it's at M, just for the sake of sexualization. 

mentions that you're a Christian and uses the Lords name in vain in the very same post :O video games is a weird place to bring up religion, as I seriously doubt and mega devout Christian is going to encourage spending lots of time playing any violent or fantasy games.

just bizarre. you have an issue with the sexualization of certain characters but apparently no issue with the repeated combat and killing of enemies (even if it isn't excessively brutal)

I'm not saying that me being religious is going to stop me from playing perverted games, but like with overly violent games that just play on gore scare tactics, things like sex appeal are just offputting to me because they come off as just trying to be edgy to get people impressive/intrigued with what is otherwise a very weak product.  Most of the time.  Game of Thrones is a clear example of something playing off of sex appeal and gore to be edgy and attract people to it.  The books were well done, but the show was completely ruined due to how much edgy elements they threw into it.

While I do like some gorey sexy games, but it has to be done right and artful.  Catherine was done well imo, this FE fan service is just coming off as cringeworthy fan service literally just slapped into what is suppose to be a very serious game just to get horny kids to buy it.  Like someone said in this thread if you want to get off, watch some porn, don't get why we need to see poorly done sex in everything these days,. 

I liked the earlier FE games because they had in interesting art style, strong characters and came off as wholesome.  

From what I've seen of fates and playing Awakening all three of these aspects are put on the backburner to make the game easily digestable to the general population, and to appeal to the vast amount of fans of animes which share similar art style.

3DS I.D : 3282-2755-4646

I make bad threads.  

SSB really went downhill after Melee....

Manlet Crew