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mountaindewslave said:
ToraTiger said:


Thank god they do.  

This could get borderline the M rating in America, like it is in japan. 

Sad to see a series good from the bottom of the rating scale at E, and now it's at M, just for the sake of sexualization. 

mentions that you're a Christian and uses the Lords name in vain in the very same post :O video games is a weird place to bring up religion, as I seriously doubt and mega devout Christian is going to encourage spending lots of time playing any violent or fantasy games.

just bizarre. you have an issue with the sexualization of certain characters but apparently no issue with the repeated combat and killing of enemies (even if it isn't excessively brutal)

I'm not saying that me being religious is going to stop me from playing perverted games, but like with overly violent games that just play on gore scare tactics, things like sex appeal are just offputting to me because they come off as just trying to be edgy to get people impressive/intrigued with what is otherwise a very weak product.  Most of the time.  Game of Thrones is a clear example of something playing off of sex appeal and gore to be edgy and attract people to it.  The books were well done, but the show was completely ruined due to how much edgy elements they threw into it.

While I do like some gorey sexy games, but it has to be done right and artful.  Catherine was done well imo, this FE fan service is just coming off as cringeworthy fan service literally just slapped into what is suppose to be a very serious game just to get horny kids to buy it.  Like someone said in this thread if you want to get off, watch some porn, don't get why we need to see poorly done sex in everything these days,. 

I liked the earlier FE games because they had in interesting art style, strong characters and came off as wholesome.  

From what I've seen of fates and playing Awakening all three of these aspects are put on the backburner to make the game easily digestable to the general population, and to appeal to the vast amount of fans of animes which share similar art style.

3DS I.D : 3282-2755-4646

I make bad threads.  

SSB really went downhill after Melee....

Manlet Crew