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Aeolus451 said:
ToraTiger said:
Aeolus451 said:

Don't video game series evolve or change over time? Perhaps, the owners of the IP are trying to give it more appeal to a broader group of gamers. I don't know but it's obvious that they're playing around with going with a less modest character design and that may become the norm for the series. 

I get the point. The OP is hung up over seeing video game characters in skimpy clothes when the series was not normally like it and he's complaining about it. He has issues with the characters being sexualized and not so much with any other aspect of the game. If that wasn't the case then this thread wouldn't be here with all the pics to empathize his problem with it.

The OP has more problem than just that, but this stark overnight change in art and direction.  I can post a bunch of problems I had with Awakening (Which I state in the OP but don't clarify all  the details)

If you want all my complaints about the game and not just the art, setting, direction, story, ect here.


 The story is awful, the characters are flat, Pair Up breaks the game, the maps are repetitive, there's way too much pointless sexualization, the soundtrack really isn't that good, the DLC (other than Future Past, I've heard) is bad, some of the new official localizations we got are dumb (if you're going to make a point of removing Thracia's references, actually do it instead of half-assing it), the difficulty is either the new dumb fake stuff we're getting now or is just nonexistent, the world is horribly developed, the main protagonists and villains are a special brand of unacceptably awful horrendous terrible quality...

I mean, the gameplay follows the basic FE formula, so there's fun to be had, but all this game has over the other FE games are little streamlining bits - which partially are only helpful because of this game's faults. I shouldn't want to skip enemy phase because I should care what happens on enemy phase. Automatic restocking and such are nice additions, though. The interface is pretty solid, too. Way better than the SNES one.             

 Thanks for going into more detail on that.


Pair up is straight broken, do I really need to explain that any further?   Pair up 6 units with S-supports at an advance class and you literally can pound through the whole game on Normal, Hard and Most of Lunatic once you get pass the first few chapters.  Emeny reinforements are broken and cheap difficulty forcing you play the chapters multiple times.  I dislike the episodic structure was removed from awakening, I understand this is a portable game so they couldn't bore with interesting texts and talking like in the GC/Wii game, but literally all the story scenes are too short, none of the characters get any non-support character development or screen time.  Reminds me of Naruto when they only focus on the starting 4 characters and the rest of the cast just get ignored.  The music wasn't appealing imo, but that's my opinion of course, the graphics were good in battle, the maps and map graphics are absouletly terrible, the maps are beyond basic (Yes, this is the biggest complaint any FE fan would have with awakening) comparing it to the deep maps and interesting, reinforce, shove, command,  tactic in the wii/gc game. s Awakening came off straight as a streamlined mobile spinoff of FE.  Sure there are some nice streamlined bits and interesting deep mechanics but the reason they are convient is due to how shallow the game design is. 

And do I really need to say anything about the plot and villians?  This might be one of the worst stories I've ever seen an RPG, the DLC is overpriced and not worth it, again not my choice to buy it, but some things on there were cool (bride class) but for the most part it piss me off the waste of effort, and literally all of DLC characters that were suppose to represent the older characters look just like generic solideres in the enemies army but colored differently. 

3DS I.D : 3282-2755-4646

I make bad threads.  

SSB really went downhill after Melee....

Manlet Crew