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I'm gonna try to build my first forge map.

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Played the crew yesterday and the graphics aren't really that bad but when the framerate drops its really noticeable. I also felt like the driving was kinda weird but aside from these things the game is actually fun.

Just finished Witcher 3 second DLC. I really want to play the base game again right now. That could possibly mean one month without achievements! I want to collect Gwent cards. Where any of you able to get Geralt and Ciri cards? I know I lost in the tournament and done know what you get as a reward for winning it.

Just finished Witcher 3 second DLC. I really want to play the base game again right now. That could possibly mean one month without achievements! I want to collect Gwent cards. Where any of you able to get Geralt and Ciri cards? I know I lost in the tournament and done know what you get as a reward for winning it.

You get a new leader card for every match you win, so one for each faction, and a good deal of gold at the end. Geralt and Ciri are won off different players, and are unmissable as long as you do all the gwent related quests. One of them you get off an elf south west of Novigrad, I forget who had the other, maybe Roche or of those I think.

Just finished Witcher 3 second DLC. I really want to play the base game again right now. That could possibly mean one month without achievements! I want to collect Gwent cards. Where any of you able to get Geralt and Ciri cards? I know I lost in the tournament and done know what you get as a reward for winning it.

About 40 hours in and I am officially hooked on Gwent - actually looking forward to CDPR stand alone Gwent game now!!!

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Eyedol's new design is way better than Gargos, it's cool that they went with an Oni inspiration for his design.

Barozi said:

Thought I'd give some early impressions of the games I've recently bought.

Divinity Original Sin
Already encountered some stuff that irritates me. Picking up things takes too long and considering you'll be doing that a lot, that's quite an issue. Also don't like the text popping up just to tell you what you picked up. A) I already know that and B) it makes it look like a MMORPG, which I despise.
I like that they included voice overs, but I don't see why the game gives you the whole dialogue choice to read before you select it, only to hear it again.
The fights are pretty simple so far, but I'm sure they will get more tactical soon. This game has potential.

Already 12 hours in as of now. I'd probably rate it 8/10.

+ great turn based combat
+ complex RPG elements
+ very unique NPCs
+ loot

- no quest markers at all. You really need to pay attention and read your log to know what do to next.
- slow walking and picking up items
- IMO too much focus on environmental hazards. Even the temporarily ones take too long to go away.
- camera is not quite to my liking. Wish it could be tilted just a bit more.
- slow progress. After 12 hours I'm finally in the last part of the first map.
- item management is quite clunky.
- Not necessarily hard, but definitely not easy. Especially if you don't know (in fact you can't know) which areas are fitting for your character level (This map helped quite a bit ).

Still not far into the main story, so won't comment on that. You really need to a good bit of levelling before you can proceed with it.

This thread now has a new master! Bow down to Ryuu your Microsoft overlord! (Plus I'm checking if I've corrected the number of post issue correctly)

Signature goes here!

I hope you do a good job like I know you can Ryuu, congrats!

Wow, I give congrats and you throw it back in my face like that?