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"The Initiative may be working on an existing IP" When [Gallagher] left Activision we started talking about what he wanted to do next. I think he really loved his time with Crystal Dynamics and working on Lara Croft and Tomb Raider, kinda reworking some of that franchise. We were talking about some things in our past that might be interesting. Nothing to announce yet, but just some things he might want to work on."  Could their 1st game be Perfect Dark?

The good news is that The Initiative will not be forced to work on a single IP like 343 and The Coalition "The foundation we have in place for The Initiative is unique in many ways. We’ve been given the freedom to explore, try new things and operate like an independent studio, with the backing from one of the biggest companies in the world to do something bold and different."

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Maybe this will also give hope to people that Believe that Playground studio 2 will be forced to be a Fable only studio. MS is giving creative freedom to their new studios.

Creative Freedom is pretty good. But I'd want Playground to atleast make 2 Fable games before doing anything elae.

jason1637 said:
Creative Freedom is pretty good. But I'd want Playground to atleast make 2 Fable games before doing anything elae.

They most likely will since it's easier to start with an established IP than creating one from scratch, I now doubt that MS forced Fable on them as their 1st game they more than likely offered them and they accepted.

DeusXmachina said:
Xbox E3 was great. Biggest surprises for me were Ninja Theory acquisition and Gears 5.
And by Gears 5 i don't mean the announcement but how good it looked. It's been many years since i was this hyped for a Gears game.

Agreed. Gears 5 was really different from what I expected from a Gears game, and I really dig it.

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IMO these new games all look the same with a different coat of paint. Don't want to name which and it may just be me.

So is the new Halo gonna be an open world shooter?


shikamaru317 said:
TheSting said:
IMO these new games all look the same with a different coat of paint. Don't want to name which and it may just be me.

Assume you're referring to Gears 5 and Ori 2, they do pretty much look the same as their predecessors. Halo Infinite is using a new engine which seems to have been designed with scaling to next gen hardware in mind, so that engine demo definitely has better graphics than Halo 5. Forza Horizon 4 has a graphical leap over Forza Horizon 3 as well, it's not as pronounced as the Halo 5 to Halo Infinite improvement, but definitely noticeable, as I'd say it's the first racing game to beat Driveclub's graphics overall (Driveclub still wins in some areas, but overall FH4 looks better). 

Also, sadly, there seems to have been no graphical improvement that I could see on Crackdown 3, was really hoping they'd use the extra year to improve the graphics after he complaints last E3 that it looked like a last gen game, but no such luck. 

Really? I thought it looked quite a bit better actually. Maybe I'm misremembering last year's showing, but it definitely seemed a lot sharper to me this time. It just popped more, so to speak. At least to me. My reaction last year was basically "...meh." This year I was like "ok ok, not bad….might play that at some point."

shikamaru317 said:
TheSting said:
IMO these new games all look the same with a different coat of paint. Don't want to name which and it may just be me.

Assume you're referring to Gears 5 and Ori 2, they do pretty much look the same as their predecessors. Halo Infinite is using a new engine which seems to have been designed with scaling to next gen hardware in mind, so that engine demo definitely has better graphics than Halo 5. Forza Horizon 4 has a graphical leap over Forza Horizon 3 as well, it's not as pronounced as the Halo 5 to Halo Infinite improvement, but definitely noticeable, as I'd say it's the first racing game to beat Driveclub's graphics overall (Driveclub still wins in some areas, but overall FH4 looks better). 

Also, sadly, there seems to have been no graphical improvement that I could see on Crackdown 3, was really hoping they'd use the extra year to improve the graphics after he complaints last E3 that it looked like a last gen game, but no such luck. 

I personally thought it looked a good deal better than last year, actually.

Bet with Intrinsic:

The Switch will outsell 3DS (based on VGchartz numbers), according to me, while Intrinsic thinks the opposite will hold true. One month avatar control for the loser's avatar.

Yeah I also thought Crackdown looked much better and sharper.

I just watched Gears 5 trailer again. I like how they have added depth to these new characters. Then again it made sense they were cheerful smartasses on Gears 4 because they hadn't seen the E-day and all the horrors. Coalition absolutely nailed the Swarm design, I think they are More terrifying that Locust. Now I just hope Coalition stays true to Gears with story delivery & character developement and don't try to do a Sony game with forced emotional depth shit.