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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Witcher 3 - Out Now! Impressions?

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Excellent! 254 42.62%
Great! 71 11.91%
Good 32 5.37%
It's OK 32 5.37%
Eh... 13 2.18%
No thanks 20 3.36%
Get this thing out of here! 7 1.17%
See results 164 27.52%
dane007 said:
Mummelmann said:
Man, I can't wait for my new rig and absolutely murder this on Ultra! Will be epic!

:D its beautiful on ultra at 60fps!. you just need at 980 and above to achieve that :)

I'll probably end up with something above the GTX980, so I'll be good!

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Well, finally Skellige - haven't played it yet, still on the beach, but just from looking at the map I can tell I'll enjoy this more than Vellen - geography here looks exactly how I like it (IMO, quite Gothic/Risen-alike), with world design slightly nudging you were to go and what to explore - just like I've been saying in few posts already that I'm missing in this game.

So, sod off POIs on map, finally can play without them.

Mummelmann said:
dane007 said:

:D its beautiful on ultra at 60fps!. you just need at 980 and above to achieve that :)

I'll probably end up with something above the GTX980, so I'll be good!

:D prety much. Who knows , you new card , culd handle nvidia hair works with ultra settings . Thats awesome :).  Its pretty much flawless 60fsp with everything ultra minus nvidia hairworks. The game on Ultra is gorgeous . So much detail in an open world plus with 60fps hehe, 

dane007 said:
Danman27 said:

I feel like if combat in an RPG is crap, it's not worth playing. Afterall, you spend most of your time doing that. So, I want fighting to be enjoyable. When playing Skyrim, I have it modded like crazy to add more depth to the combat. 

the comabt in the witcher 3 to me is really good. you have alot to use when fighting and you can't simply mash attack. if you do , you will die lol. 

Maybe its better on pc but for me witcher 3 combat is very simple. Side step, slash, igni, or whatever flavor sign works best for that fight. Add counter attack for humans and that's about it. The only difficult enemies are the camera, trees and walls. Maybe that's better now in 1.04. (I only played for an hour so far with the new patch and that was all running back and forth talking and spotting the glowing red mark)
Fighting enemies in Souls games is exciting and rewarding, and becomes a well choreographed dance after a while.
Skyrim however... I crafted a 100% mana reduction fire spell armor set and ended up carpet bombing everything in my way lol.

You do have a lot of potions, bombs and oils and whatever in witcher 3, but the menu system is so unwieldy I usually don't bother. 25% damage bonus for enhanced oil, or just hit them 25% more, same thing, second is faster... Switching out bombs is a pain so I only use them when the opposition is much higher than me. With 2 or 3 shots each, then go back in the menu to select the next ones, it's always an annoying interruption to the fight.
There are many options yet none are all that much fun to use. Side step, slash, igni will do.

I enjoyed the combat in the witcher 2 more. Maybe they expanded on it too much, or it didn't translate to console very well, or dark souls spoiled me. Shooting a griffin out of the sky, freezing it with enhanced blizzard, roll to it for a couple heavy attacks is a lot of fun, same as the other mini bosses, yet the standard combat is not very engaging. It's probably the repetition, enough with the drowners, the wolf packs and the bandits.

ClassicGamingWizzz said:
cannonballZ said:

I noticed the same thing. I don't receive xp from low level quests. I wish I had done some of them sooner.

I get 5 xp for low level quests :S, but i only have 3 or 4 that are low level now.

Hmm, I've been getting 5xp for following the main quest get junior. It's a lvl 12 quest while I'm 16. Previous main quests (same level difference) awarded 150xp per step. Did I get the xp bug, or is the game trolling me.

And this is the kind of pop in I've been getting since patch 1.04

It's not the speed of the horse, since that's restricted to normal running speed inside the city.

The game bugged out again during the arena fight. AI wouldn't fight me, just stood there. I could push them around by walking into them, no reaction. They activated after hitting them. This game was not ready for release. That candle light fix didn't even work. I had to activate a candle to open a secret door, yet he would only light it over and over. After 30 seconds of running around and positioning differently, 'interact' finally showed up.

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SvennoJ said:
ClassicGamingWizzz said:
cannonballZ said:

I noticed the same thing. I don't receive xp from low level quests. I wish I had done some of them sooner.

I get 5 xp for low level quests :S, but i only have 3 or 4 that are low level now.

Hmm, I've been getting 5xp for following the main quest get junior. It's a lvl 12 quest while I'm 16. Previous main quests (same level difference) awarded 150xp per step. Did I get the xp bug, or is the game trolling me.

And this is the kind of pop in I've been getting since patch 1.04

It's not the speed of the horse, since that's restricted to normal running speed inside the city.

The game bugged out again during the arena fight. AI wouldn't fight me, just stood there. I could push them around by walking into them, no reaction. They activated after hitting them. This game was not ready for release. That candle light fix didn't even work. I had to activate a candle to open a secret door, yet he would only light it over and over. After 30 seconds of running around and positioning differently, 'interact' finally showed up.

Lol, looking at your posts in this thread and the other active witcher thread it comes across as if your really not enjoying the witcher3. Maybe it's time to stop playing it as it seems to be winding you up! 

PSN ID: Stokesy 

Add me if you want but let me know youre from this website

StokedUp said:

Lol, looking at your posts in this thread and the other active witcher thread it comes across as if your really not enjoying the witcher3. Maybe it's time to stop playing it as it seems to be winding you up! 

It's a love it, hate it game. I can't really talk about the love it parts without giving too many spoilers, the ball last night was a lot of fun though, as was torturing Triss. Tricking me with instant exploding barrels (instead of the usual burn then detonate kind) and a bloody door that wouldn't work for no reason until I spent 15 minutes checking everywhere else twice, yeah you get the idea :)

SvennoJ said:
StokedUp said:

Lol, looking at your posts in this thread and the other active witcher thread it comes across as if your really not enjoying the witcher3. Maybe it's time to stop playing it as it seems to be winding you up! 

It's a love it, hate it game. I can't really talk about the love it parts without giving too many spoilers, the ball last night was a lot of fun though, as was torturing Triss. Tricking me with instant exploding barrels (instead of the usual burn then detonate kind) and a bloody door that wouldn't work for no reason until I spent 15 minutes checking everywhere else twice, yeah you get the idea :)

When was that? I suppose Menge, but I've killed every last fucker not long before we got into courtyard, so I guess I've missed that.

Speaking of that, one of the problems I have with W3 game design is you are limited who you can attack - eitherwise I would dedicate whole day just to slaughter every last one of witch hunters and priests of Eternal Fire.

BTW, I think you will like Skellige much more, I'm finally having no gripes with POIs/map (playing without them), and game is so much better for it, it's like completely other people were designing Vellen and Skellige.

HoloDust said:
SvennoJ said:

It's a love it, hate it game. I can't really talk about the love it parts without giving too many spoilers, the ball last night was a lot of fun though, as was torturing Triss. Tricking me with instant exploding barrels (instead of the usual burn then detonate kind) and a bloody door that wouldn't work for no reason until I spent 15 minutes checking everywhere else twice, yeah you get the idea :)

When was that? I suppose Menge, but I've killed every last fucker not long before we got into courtyard, so I guess I've missed that.

Speaking of that, one of the problems I have with W3 game design is you are limited who you can attack - eitherwise I would dedicate whole day just to slaughter every last one of witch hunters and priests of Eternal Fire.

BTW, I think you will like Skellige much more, I'm finally having no gripes with POIs/map (playing without them), and game is so much better for it, it's like completely other people were designing Vellen and Skellige.

Yeah it was Menge. I was stalling talking to him while Triss got all her fingernails pulled in the next room lol. She wanted to play tough...
That leaves you the option to go out without confrontation, however that door didn't work at first so I tried the other door and still ended up fighting everyone. (wasn't a problem as they couldn't navigate the stairs, picked em off with a crossbow while triss was throwing fire balls)

Yeah I would have like to go back to White Orchard and teach those Nilfguardians a lesson, same with the ladies of the woods and now indeed the witch hunters. I suddenly got a quest failed notification as I was progressing the story, failed the gangs of Novigrad. Is it worth it to load a previous save for that? I didn't have that quest yet, but the failure text showed where I should have picked it up.

The game can be very annoying with how restrictive it is. For example I bought the fancy clothes for the ball but didn't put them on yet. I get back to Triss, choose "I've got the masks" which apparently translated to, drop everything we go now, followed by a loading scene and then my inventory is locked out. Reload. It happens too often that what you pick doesn't match with what he says or does. Maybe lost in translation? Plus why can't I use signs when I get ambushed in the maze.

Good to hear Skellige has better design, something to look forward too while finishing up Novigrad.

Just finished the game and really enjoyed it despite some performance-issues on PS4. Great world and characters. But i do feel like i missed a lot of the story, and wished they had done something to get those of us who didn't play the previous two up to speed.