SvennoJ said:
ClassicGamingWizzz said:
cannonballZ said:
I noticed the same thing. I don't receive xp from low level quests. I wish I had done some of them sooner.
I get 5 xp for low level quests :S, but i only have 3 or 4 that are low level now.
Hmm, I've been getting 5xp for following the main quest get junior. It's a lvl 12 quest while I'm 16. Previous main quests (same level difference) awarded 150xp per step. Did I get the xp bug, or is the game trolling me.
And this is the kind of pop in I've been getting since patch 1.04
 It's not the speed of the horse, since that's restricted to normal running speed inside the city.
The game bugged out again during the arena fight. AI wouldn't fight me, just stood there. I could push them around by walking into them, no reaction. They activated after hitting them. This game was not ready for release. That candle light fix didn't even work. I had to activate a candle to open a secret door, yet he would only light it over and over. After 30 seconds of running around and positioning differently, 'interact' finally showed up.
Lol, looking at your posts in this thread and the other active witcher thread it comes across as if your really not enjoying the witcher3. Maybe it's time to stop playing it as it seems to be winding you up!