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dane007 said:
Danman27 said:

I feel like if combat in an RPG is crap, it's not worth playing. Afterall, you spend most of your time doing that. So, I want fighting to be enjoyable. When playing Skyrim, I have it modded like crazy to add more depth to the combat. 

the comabt in the witcher 3 to me is really good. you have alot to use when fighting and you can't simply mash attack. if you do , you will die lol. 

Maybe its better on pc but for me witcher 3 combat is very simple. Side step, slash, igni, or whatever flavor sign works best for that fight. Add counter attack for humans and that's about it. The only difficult enemies are the camera, trees and walls. Maybe that's better now in 1.04. (I only played for an hour so far with the new patch and that was all running back and forth talking and spotting the glowing red mark)
Fighting enemies in Souls games is exciting and rewarding, and becomes a well choreographed dance after a while.
Skyrim however... I crafted a 100% mana reduction fire spell armor set and ended up carpet bombing everything in my way lol.

You do have a lot of potions, bombs and oils and whatever in witcher 3, but the menu system is so unwieldy I usually don't bother. 25% damage bonus for enhanced oil, or just hit them 25% more, same thing, second is faster... Switching out bombs is a pain so I only use them when the opposition is much higher than me. With 2 or 3 shots each, then go back in the menu to select the next ones, it's always an annoying interruption to the fight.
There are many options yet none are all that much fun to use. Side step, slash, igni will do.

I enjoyed the combat in the witcher 2 more. Maybe they expanded on it too much, or it didn't translate to console very well, or dark souls spoiled me. Shooting a griffin out of the sky, freezing it with enhanced blizzard, roll to it for a couple heavy attacks is a lot of fun, same as the other mini bosses, yet the standard combat is not very engaging. It's probably the repetition, enough with the drowners, the wolf packs and the bandits.