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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS4 is so close to 50% market share I can almost taste it

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Dusk said:
Does this affect you quality of life and happiness? I don't understand why you are so excited for this.

Yes you do, you just don't share the excitement.

On the off chance that you actually don't understand, its because they like seeing their favorite console being successful for personal reasons.

Actually no, not really, I don't. 

That's my point, it has nothing to do with them, so why they excitement? It in no way should actually affect their quality of life in any way. There is a brief time for pretty much anyone that is into pretty much anything, like sports or anythink like that, when someone can be happy that their team wins or whatever, but behond that point in time it's really nothing unless they have directly contributed or actually have some gain out of it. What I mean by contributed is have direct influence with the team, like training, playing, coaching, or friends/affiliates that do the same. 

Unlike a sport or the like, there is no scoring system, no winner or loser.

Gotta figure out how to set these up lol.

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yvanjean said:
Only the fanboys will be happy about this PS4 win, it still has yet to generate great games.

Less competition actually mean less pressure on developers to make great games.

And that's pretty much my thoughts on it. Well, that and the paying dev studios/publishers to make games instead of them relying on the quality and marketing of their publishers for the sales. 

Gotta figure out how to set these up lol.

Dusk said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

Yes you do, you just don't share the excitement.

On the off chance that you actually don't understand, its because they like seeing their favorite console being successful for personal reasons.

Actually no, not really, I don't. 

That's my point, it has nothing to do with them, so why they excitement? It in no way should actually affect their quality of life in any way. There is a brief time for pretty much anyone that is into pretty much anything, like sports or anythink like that, when someone can be happy that their team wins or whatever, but behond that point in time it's really nothing unless they have directly contributed or actually have some gain out of it. What I mean by contributed is have direct influence with the team, like training, playing, coaching, or friends/affiliates that do the same. 

Unlike a sport or the like, there is no scoring system, no winner or loser.

Just because there isn't an official scoring system, doesn't mean communties can 't create one. Here obviously the most measurable metrics are sales and marketshare.

However, this isn't a new thing(not unique to the gaming industry either) and everyone has their own reasons, assuming it doesn't affect their quality of life is naive. Sure a normal fan doesn't get a check when their favorite team wins sans Gambling. But it affects their mood and selfesteem.

Seriously, this is a sales tracking site, even if you don't care about how well a console is selling, saying you "don't understand" is like going to a biker bar and saying you don't understand why everyone has tattoos.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

Mind telling me how this 50% effort helps you sleep at night?

Moyu said:

Even with delayed numbers we all know that it's almost there :D

Can we go for 60% next?

tell me what it tastes like. 

also, your sig...attack on titan? never watched the anime...manga kinda ok. 

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Moyu said:
gabzjmm23 said:
then what will happen if PS4 has 50% market share?

The Last Guardian will happen hopefully.

if the PS4 crosses the 50% market share, it will then start getting non-moneyhatted-exclusives-3rdparty games from small to medium game developers as it is cheaper to make and optimize a game for just one system as oppose to having two teams working on two versions for two systems or maybe more.

with the emergence of small-medium exclusive games, ps4 will then cross the 60% market share range where we will then see the influx of non-moneyhatted-exlusvie-3rdparty games from the larger game developers since at over 60% market share, it will be more financially sound to just make one big game with one team focused on one platform as opose to having 2 teams working on 2 platfroms and the 2nd platform which is of less market share will make less money which wont be able to make up for development cost.

with that, ps4 will then completely destroy the competition and AAA-non-moneyhatted-exclusive-3rdparty games from the giants of game developers will once again come into play just like in the ps2 era.  and the gamers will once again get a shyet load of crapy, wierd, crazy and just plane insane games.

people keep claiming that competition helps the market develope. which is true, but in the video game business, total dominance of one platform is better. one platform with the vast majority of shares will mean that game developers will incure less cost in making games since again, 1 team is a shyet load cheaper than 2 teams. games will get finished faster, get realeast fater, more games gets made and we are looking at another ps2 era wherein there is thousands and thousands of games for every gamer in the world to choose from.

GO PS4!!! 


slab_of_bacon said:
I can't figure out why Sony Playstations are so popular relative to their competition.

Because they are more powerful and generally accepted to have the best games?


PS4 has more exclusives than Xbox One and the PS4 exclusives are higher rated according to Metacritic (actually not a huge fan of reviews but it is the best and only neutral thing to go by)


Wii U not having 3rd party automatically counts it out on having the "best games" to the general consumer


yvanjean said:
Aeolus451 said:

So you're saying that alot of PS fans will be happy? Please elaborate further.

The golden rule always been software will push hardware.... in PS4 case hype as fuel tons of hardware sale. 

Success like Sony is having does come at a price, there really no pressure on Sony to deliver quality software. They're already a major success. 

Bloodborne says hi

rolltide101x said:
yvanjean said:

The golden rule always been software will push hardware.... in PS4 case hype as fuel tons of hardware sale. 

Success like Sony is having does come at a price, there really no pressure on Sony to deliver quality software. They're already a major success. 

Bloodborne says hi

You have to do the check list first to determine if its a quality software


1. Is it an FPS -> NOPE

2. Does the title have the words Halo, Gears, Forza, Fable, Mario, Zelda, or Pokkemon in it? -> NOPE

3. Is it Multiplat -> NOPE

4. Is it exlusive to either MS or NIntendo? -> NOPE




trolllololololll lololololll!!!

Well like it or not PS4 is going for 60% baby, i don't care people who hate it or questioned why we care or not, because some member already explained (better 3rd party exclusive, focusing games on PS4 from multiplatform games leading to a better graphic and Gameplay, cheaper marketing deal with third party and more investment from investor for gaming divisions )

PS4 will be more like PS3 + PS2 + PS1 in terms of quality, SONY has learn with their mistake with PS3, and learn why PS2 and PS1 success in the market. So they will be " perfect " and balance in terms of sales, profit while maintaining quality of the product and the content without making them loosing money. So why i care because it will lead to " More Greatness " hahaha . When PS console back to rule again they will be no second chance for other competitor, never at least if they keep maintaining their great work from now on.