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Dusk said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

Yes you do, you just don't share the excitement.

On the off chance that you actually don't understand, its because they like seeing their favorite console being successful for personal reasons.

Actually no, not really, I don't. 

That's my point, it has nothing to do with them, so why they excitement? It in no way should actually affect their quality of life in any way. There is a brief time for pretty much anyone that is into pretty much anything, like sports or anythink like that, when someone can be happy that their team wins or whatever, but behond that point in time it's really nothing unless they have directly contributed or actually have some gain out of it. What I mean by contributed is have direct influence with the team, like training, playing, coaching, or friends/affiliates that do the same. 

Unlike a sport or the like, there is no scoring system, no winner or loser.

Just because there isn't an official scoring system, doesn't mean communties can 't create one. Here obviously the most measurable metrics are sales and marketshare.

However, this isn't a new thing(not unique to the gaming industry either) and everyone has their own reasons, assuming it doesn't affect their quality of life is naive. Sure a normal fan doesn't get a check when their favorite team wins sans Gambling. But it affects their mood and selfesteem.

Seriously, this is a sales tracking site, even if you don't care about how well a console is selling, saying you "don't understand" is like going to a biker bar and saying you don't understand why everyone has tattoos.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank