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Well like it or not PS4 is going for 60% baby, i don't care people who hate it or questioned why we care or not, because some member already explained (better 3rd party exclusive, focusing games on PS4 from multiplatform games leading to a better graphic and Gameplay, cheaper marketing deal with third party and more investment from investor for gaming divisions )

PS4 will be more like PS3 + PS2 + PS1 in terms of quality, SONY has learn with their mistake with PS3, and learn why PS2 and PS1 success in the market. So they will be " perfect " and balance in terms of sales, profit while maintaining quality of the product and the content without making them loosing money. So why i care because it will lead to " More Greatness " hahaha . When PS console back to rule again they will be no second chance for other competitor, never at least if they keep maintaining their great work from now on.