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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Average Gamer 35 Years Old, 44% Female, Plenty of other Stats - ESA Releases Game Stats

PwerlvlAmy said:
Volterra_90 said:

I really don't know, but, in my personal experience, I've never met a woman gamer in my entire life lol. I've met a lot of them who play games (FB games, mobile games mostly), but, they don't call themselves "gamers". But, hey, my personal experience is not representative of the whole. 

yeah i was about to  say what you wrote at the end,your life experience doesnt sum it up as a whole lol

I really don't get how people can go so long without running into a female gamer...boggles the effin mind.  I literally went to Blizzcon w/ my Guild Master from WoW last year (and we're going again this year) lol.  My world would be lesser without good folks like her around.

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mornelithe said:
PwerlvlAmy said:

yeah i was about to  say what you wrote at the end,your life experience doesnt sum it up as a whole lol

I really don't get how people can go so long without running into a female gamer...boggles the effin mind.  I literally went to Blizzcon w/ my Guild Master from WoW last year (and we're going again this year) lol.  My world would be lesser without good folks like her around.

Like I said earlier in this thread I do believe wow's population to have a large number of females in it, at a point during pandaria we raided with 4 girls on a 10 man team. That's "hardcore" raiding btw endgame mythic stuff, not just bouncing around goldshire pet battling like some people seem to think girl gamers do :D

of course you always have the models bringing the side down!

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AlfredoTurkey said:
outlawauron said:

It wouldn't be that low. PC/console have a much higher male/female ratio, but it's not that huge. I'd bet 80/20 if I had to.

I don't know much about PC gaming so I can't speak about that. But JUST console gaming? I doubt it's over 5%. I mean, I've met enough people to quanitify my own polls and it's probably BELOW that number. There are "gamer girls", but in my experience, they are very rare. And even then, most of them are sort of posers and aren't any good.

Finding a girl who is a hard core console gamer that can go toe to toe with a guy core gamer is like finding gold. I wish there were more.

I think your personal bias are influencing it a bit. You may not know many, but you don't realize how small 5% is.

It doesn't matter how hardcore the gamer is, because the percentage of "hardcore gamers" on a consoles is a small number. Being on a sales site, I'd hope most would see that.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Mummelmann said:

I actually know a few female gamers, but they're not very open about it since it is considered immature and less than feminine to play games. Same goes for many of my male friends; some of the most popular "studs" I know play a lot of video games, like RPG's and other fare besides the mainstream Call of Duty's that everyone knows and accepts, but they don't really talk about it, post on social networks about it, etc. It's more like a guilty pleasure to them, and it seems that girls are adhering even more strictly to these "rules". That's my two cents anyway.

This is an American survey only. I do not  ever see big surveys done and largely reported on for other countries.

mornelithe said:
PwerlvlAmy said:

yeah i was about to  say what you wrote at the end,your life experience doesnt sum it up as a whole lol

I really don't get how people can go so long without running into a female gamer...boggles the effin mind.  I literally went to Blizzcon w/ my Guild Master from WoW last year (and we're going again this year) lol.  My world would be lesser without good folks like her around.

might be the crowds they hang around with

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Eddie_Raja said:
Ka-pi96 said:
Most popular genre? Social games...

Instantly invalidates this.

Yes anything you don't agree with must be fake.

Does the study provide what definition they used for gamer?

When they say "social" games do they mean mobile (I-phone, Android etc. or something else)

I woud bet the statisics would be very different in both total numbers and  percentages if Mobile gaming was considered seprate from console and PC gaming

In my observation/experience/opinion there are alot of people that play mobile games that have rarely if ever played console games 

THere are many  I-Pads and similar owned by paretns and grandparents that play few if any games on them but have kids/grandkids that do play games on them-  

It would be interesting to know how they gathered the data

these statistics should be taken with a grain of salt. they usually count games like candy crush and online poker

mornelithe said:
PwerlvlAmy said:

yeah i was about to  say what you wrote at the end,your life experience doesnt sum it up as a whole lol

I really don't get how people can go so long without running into a female gamer...boggles the effin mind.  I literally went to Blizzcon w/ my Guild Master from WoW last year (and we're going again this year) lol.  My world would be lesser without good folks like her around.

I really don't know! But, honestly, I'm not very good talking with females in general (yeah, shyness). So I suppose that it's logical that I haven't met a lot of female gamers lol. When I was playing WoW (I quit, it was like a drug... :P ) it's true there were a lot of female players in the guild (at least they said they were females haha), but I've never actually met them so, I don't know.

I'm 15.guess I'm a minority lol

Ltd predictions by the time 9th Gen comes out


Xbox one :75 million( was 65) 

Wii u: 20 milliion

Ka-pi96 said:
Most popular genre? Social games...

Instantly invalidates this.

Hmmm.... social games? That is quite odd... oh well. At least the gender gap isn't as bad as I thought.

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