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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why is there a PS4/X1 war?


What describes your tastes?

PS4 is awesome! X1 is garbage! 190 52.20%
X1 is awesome! PS4 is garbage! 27 7.42%
they're both GREAT! 94 25.82%
they both SUCK! 53 14.56%

Because there are not enough games to play so what the hell are we supposed to do with our free time?

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

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Migfighter said:
Because xbone fanboys are like man u fanboys, pure scum

That's a very ban worthy comment f. Y. I. 

Ot:I understand why theyres a war, but not why people hate the other console. There both close enough that you'd enjoy either of them tbh. 

Ltd predictions by the time 9th Gen comes out


Xbox one :75 million( was 65) 

Wii u: 20 milliion

I think you've made a few good points here. People shouldn't be arguing about which is better, specs or not. If anything, there should be Console Discussions, not Console Wars. Besides, I don't own either, I think Wii U is the way to go.

bet: lost

Well, the reasoning for the console war in general is because people want to justify their purchases, and want to tell you that you're an idiot for choosing differently. It's also something the media likes to leverage web traffic, via click-bait/inflammatory articles designed to troll fan-bases (which is also supported by extremely weak moderation in the comments section, which allows giant mud slinging contests to erupt...we've all seen them).

But, PS4 and X1? There's no war there. Maybe at some point in the future there will be, but right now it's more of a massacre (sales-wise, strictly speaking).

Nintendo and Atari
Or the mental enslavement of consumers by corporations,
take your pick

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

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Moved to Xbone/WiiU wars this month... look at the Amazon thread... Wii U is starting a comeback.

PS4/Xbone war never happened... PS4 is just playing the domination game.

" They do the same things and get all the same games. The only thing that differentiates the two are exclusives"

wrong if that was the case no one would care about one over the other, but the fact that they do shows that there are significant differences between the 2 with regards to their main feature

the whole basis of your argument is this silly reductionist claim


its like me saying that because the main games for wii u right now are mario kart, smash etc that the wii u is the same as the wii

mornelithe said:
Well, the reasoning for the console war in general is because people want to justify their purchases, and want to tell you that you're an idiot for choosing differently. It's also something the media likes to leverage web traffic, via click-bait/inflammatory articles designed to troll fan-bases (which is also supported by extremely weak moderation in the comments section, which allows giant mud slinging contests to erupt...we've all seen them).

But, PS4 and X1? There's no war there. Maybe at some point in the future there will be, but right now it's more of a massacre (sales-wise, strictly speaking).

it's a massacre when it is PS4 + X1 vs Wii U, which if you ask me, is the real console war. PS4 and X1, take your pick because theyre on the same side. They do the same thing and get the same kinds of games. The Wii U, on the other hand, actually offers things that are different. So these are the two sides, the two options, that consumers have. If you choose a ps4 or x1, youre choosing something that is on the same side. if you choose wii u, you are choosing something that is on the opposite side.This is the divide that is in this generation.

o_O.Q said:

" They do the same things and get all the same games. The only thing that differentiates the two are exclusives"

wrong if that was the case no one would care about one over the other, but the fact that they do shows that there are significant differences between the 2 with regards to their main feature

i thnk yoiu can read the comments by other users in this thread that can show you how there exists this war in peoples minds besides there being any real differences between them.

kinisking said:
Migfighter said:
Because xbone fanboys are like man u fanboys, pure scum

That's a very ban worthy comment f. Y. I. 

Ot:I understand why theyres a war, but not why people hate the other console. There both close enough that you'd enjoy either of them tbh. 

FYI, lick me! Xbone fanboy!


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