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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why is there a PS4/X1 war?


What describes your tastes?

PS4 is awesome! X1 is garbage! 190 52.20%
X1 is awesome! PS4 is garbage! 27 7.42%
they're both GREAT! 94 25.82%
they both SUCK! 53 14.56%

Console wars have been happening since the creation of Video Games. No use trying to question it.

"Say what you want about Americans but we understand Capitalism.You buy yourself a product and you Get What You Pay For."  

- Max Payne 3

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o_O.Q said:
RubberWhistleHistle said:
o_O.Q said:

lol but the ps4 and xbox one are not two completely different consoles? anyway i'll agree with you for a moment and say that they are


the main games for both the wii and the wii u ( smash, kart, super mario etc etc etc ) are very similar as they are merely iterations of each other

according to your argument this means that the wii and wii u are the same console


  why don't you stand by your argument in this situation?

because.. thats not my argument.. at all. no seriously, its not my argument, so you can chuck that notion out the window, and dont suggest that it is ever again.

all you have to do is look at the specs and see that the wii u and the wii are completely different consoles that are built from the ground up completely differently. for fucks sake, look at the controllers and how the games for each console are meant to be played. it's miles apart. look at the parts inside a ps4 and an x1.. theyre PCs and they are EXTREMELY similar hardware wise. and on the games side of things, they literally have the same library. your argument about smash and mario kart is completely nonsensical and i honestly have no idea where youre pulling that from.


"for fucks sake, look at the controllers"


the controllers are not the same the dualshock 4 has a touchpad for example while the xbox has rumble triggers


"how the games for each console are meant to be played"


wii u games for the most part do not play differently mario kart, smash, super mario etc all play pretty mush the same with the exception that you can play offscreen... 

" they literally have the same library"


i currently have transister, infamous and tlou since when could i play any of those xbox?


"they literally have the same library. your argument about smash and mario kart is completely nonsensical"

 lol the irony here amazes me

so you have.. three games you cant play on the x1 out of how many? just because you can own a handful of games that cant be played on the other console doesnt change anything at all that i have been arguing. because if you read the OP, i stated clearly that there are exclusives. mario kart wii is completely different from mario kart 8. smash brawl is completely different from smash for wii u. you must not have played much of those games. not to mention, those are only two games. do you understand that? its TWO games. youre juding an entire library of two consoles with two games. 

and really, youre arguing about the little touch pad and the triggers for the x1 and ps4 controllers (which dont change the gameplay in any way) and saying that is different when the wii mote and gamepad couldnt be any more different. i honestly think at this point you are just trying to troll me.

Ka-pi96 said:
Ouroboros24 said:

Really, you don't understand that the Xbox are the LA Lakers and ps4 are the Boston Celtics.  PS4 are the Oakland Raiders and Xbox are the Cleveland Packers. Manny Vs Mayweather, Kramer VS Kramer, Goku Vs Superman, Batman Vs Superman, DC vs Marvel, ........................

Not rocket science guys. 

I don't understand a single one of your references there

You can ask me to elaborate if you don't get it. 

Brand love.  I like Nike, you like ADIDOS.  If you like Adidos and I say it sucks, you may be offended.  There's a console war because some of us are competitive even without actually participating.

Ka-pi96 said:
Don't usually agree with you, but there's a first time for everything right?

So yeah, I completely agree. I love both the PS4 and the Xbox One. They are both awesome consoles and IMO the perfect console combo. Wish more people loved them both rather than taking sides.

not sure that you agree with me at all actually lol. how can two things be a perfect combo when they offer the same exact experiences? the only reason i could see why are exclusives. if that is the answer, then yeah, i guess we are in complete agreement.

RubberWhistleHistle said:
snyperdud said:

To me, it's like watching a competition between sports teams. Both sides have their fans that will follow them through thick and thin. Games can have an emotional impact on a person when they're playing them, and the console they are playing on, delivered that experience to them. I think that's where brand loyalty comes from and thus the attachment to a hunk of plastic.

It's really all about the experiences that they have, and sometimes, they believe these amazing experiences are only available on the platform they chose. And in some cases, that's true. But everyone has different tastes and the experience is always going to be different for everyone. So the reason, we see these console wars are just people defending/promoting their platform of choice, because it's what they love. And sometimes, when love is in the mix, people can react irrationally and compulsively when the thing they are passionate about is under attack in some way.

well, look.. if it were like, japanese people are all pro sony, and americans were all pro microsoft, with some exceptions, then i would understand the sports teams analogy. but as it stands, i dont see where this diehard fandom about either console comes from when they offer the same exact thing.

Well, they don't offer the EXACT same thing. But, I get what you're saying, their libraries are very similar.  I think the fandom comes from the experience from the game itself, even if it's a multiplatform title, the player will associate that game with whatever console they played it on. If you are attached to something, you'll want to defend or promote it. I really think it's that simple.

And why doesn't the sport team analogy work? My favorite American football team is the Carolina Panthers, even though geographically I should be a fan of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers because I live in Tampa. It's not regionally exclusive. 

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I guess it's just part of life. Probably the same reason there are cellphone wars, music wars, etc.

Ouroboros24 said:
RubberWhistleHistle said:

hey guys, IM BACK again. I cant seem to participate in this site for more than two days at a time, but im going to try again.

Anyways, I think we can all pretty much agree that the hot topic in gaming these days is WHICH CONSOLE IS BETTER?!?! PS4 or X1? My question is.. why? I am 26 years old and have been a gamer my entire life, I own about 1500 physical copies of video games, I have at least heard of almost every game released for every major console, and even with all this background, I genuinely have no idea what this war is all about. These two consoles are the same damn machine, what is there to dislike about one that you cant say about the other? 

Let me give a short example, here. If you were to approach your every day pop culture gamer, and tell them, "eh, the PS4 really doesn't do a whole lot for me. Can't really get into it :/" We all know the response you would get. This gamer would, of course, ask you the question, "oh, so you're more into the xbox one camp?" 

You see, this response is what you would get 99% of the time (trust me, I have experience with this), but why would ANYONE assume that if you don't like the PS4 you must like the X1 besides the fact that there is this ridiculous fucking "war" that is happening between them. If yout ake away any notion of a war that is happening, you will see that if you don't like the PS4, you're not going to like the X1 either. They do the same things and get all the same games. The only thing that differentiates the two are exclusives, in which case, you would say something like, "PS4's exclusives don't really do it for me." Do you see the difference? You would attribute your distaste to the exclusives and not the console itself because to say you don't like it as a console would be to say you don't like the X1 as a console as well because they're, well, the same. 

So this is my contention: if you are a die hard XBOX ONE fan, then I am telling you right now that you like the PS4 as well. And vice versa. Don't give me this bullshit about how you love the X1 so much and you're a huge fan and then sit there and tell me that you hate the PS4. If you are one of these people, I would love to hear your explanation for what is so different about these two consoles that you are able to absolutely love one of them and hate the other. 

EDIT: just so there is not any confusion, I want to make clear (yes, it is the unpopular opinion) that I am all for console wars; i think they are fun. But only when the consoles that are warring are actually different. I don't see any fun in two consoles that are identical warring. I dont see the point and it's completely ridiculous.

Really, you don't understand that the Xbox are the LA Lakers and ps4 are the Boston Celtics.  PS4 are the Oakland Raiders and Xbox are the Cleveland Packers. Manny Vs Mayweather, Kramer VS Kramer, Goku Vs Superman, Batman Vs Superman, DC vs Marvel, ........................

Not rocket science guys. 

Did I miss something? lol

Zekkyou said:
mornelithe said:
RubberWhistleHistle said:

the ps4 and xbox one share the same library with a few exclusives on the side. there is great sense in lumping them together. there is nothing substantial that differentiates them. 

at bolded: dude youre making my point. lol. saying theyre different from nintendo isnt a rebuttal to me saying nintendo is different from them. you just lumped them together yourself. because you did that, i know that you can see what im saying. 

The Wii U would share the same library also, if you know, people actually wanted it.  I mean, was it so long ago that Nintendo fans were complaining about lack of 3rd party support?  And 3rd parties were pulling back because it just doesn't make fiscal sense to produce content on hardware so far behind the times, and so few are actually buying into?

And no, I'm not making your point, there are clear differences between Sony and Microsoft's content.  And nobody needs you to agree to see that (Just because you don't see it, or won't acknowledge it, doesn't mean it's not true).

Yeah, i don't really see how them sharing a lot of games makes them the identical... The majority of their libraries might be the same, but that's a virtue of having so much 3rd party support, not the result of a lack of their own present and future exclusive content.

On top of that, i personally expect them to both end the generation with more exclusive content than the WiiU (for various reason). That would add an interesting dynamic to this debate :p

umm.. yeah im not sure what you mean by the bolded statement. my whole argument here is that your choices are ps4/x1 or wii u. because those are the only two real "sides" that i see. so i dont see how they could have more exclusive content than the wii u? there is nothing shared between the wii u's library and the x1 and ps4's library, so however much more the ps4 or x1 have than the wii u, the wii u has the same amount of exclusivity over them.. since the library's of both are mutually exclusive from eachother. i hope i explained that well enough.

snyperdud said:
RubberWhistleHistle said:

well, look.. if it were like, japanese people are all pro sony, and americans were all pro microsoft, with some exceptions, then i would understand the sports teams analogy. but as it stands, i dont see where this diehard fandom about either console comes from when they offer the same exact thing.

Well, they don't offer the EXACT same thing. But, I get what you're saying, their libraries are very similar.  I think the fandom comes from the experience from the game itself, even if it's a multiplatform title, the player will associate that game with whatever console they played it on. If you are attached to something, you'll want to defend or promote it. I really think it's that simple.

And why doesn't the sport team analogy work? My favorite American football team is the Carolina Panthers, even though geographically I should be a fan of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers because I live in Tampa. It's not regionally exclusive. 

like i said in my response, there would be exceptions because i do understand that people like different teams that arent located near them. but most of the time (90%+) it is about geography. im a yankees fan who lives in california (they play in 70 minutes, i cant wait ^_^) so i do understand.

A good old "xbox and playstation are the same" thread, been a while since we had those.

On a more serious note; there are differences, different services and functions, different games and controllers etc. The two are not identical, but they are quite similar, that's a rather big difference.
Some people like PC, others prefer Mac, some buy iPhone, some get LG or Samsung, consumers have preferences and this has always been so.

All that said; the One and PS4 do strive to be more similar than the PS3 and 360 did, that's kind of the 8th gen thing, even the Wii U is going after a lot more non-gaming features, media and online capability and more emphasis on things like DLC and e-shopping for software. The 8th gen is the one where all console will be the most similar; the 9th gen will be where they try to separate more from one another (in my opinion).

PS: Let's not let this topic get out of hand, the OP is borderline on its own and doesn't need fuel. I personally find that the whole argument of saying that PS and xbox are the exact same to be a tool for stirring the pot and causing mischief. This is a topic that has a very low threshold for locking and we will be keeping an eye on it.