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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Xenoblade Chronicles X will have paid DLC quests

S.Peelman said:

This is worrying, DLC's of only small pieces of content? I don't like where Nintendo is going with DLC lately, Smash DLC is the same with offering a single character or only costumes. I liked the DLC's that were basically expansion packs like in NSMBU, MK8 and HW because they were useful additions, but these small pieces could(and should, if they already know what they leave out to sell seperately) just as well have been in the game in the first place.

Size has nothing to do with DLC, atleast the good kind that's made after the game is finished. 

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forest-spirit said:

And the Nintendo fans from back then are the exact same users that defend DLC in this thread?


Even if they were, I think a lot of people have changed their mind on DLC for one reason or another. DLC practices have changed over the years and we have seen them more and more. We have seen them abused and we have seen them done to great effect, and I think that a lot of people have come to be opinion that DLC as a base system is not really problematic, and criticisms should stem from specific implementations.

For a number of reasons, I don't think it is fair to hold the negative opinion of DLC in years past over Nintendo fan's heads. People do change their mind for one reason or another and many of the people speaking about DLC now may not be the same as those who were speaking about it years ago. Additionally, in some cases, Nintendo's positive implementation of DLC may have shown more Nintendo centric gamers that DLC can be done in a way that benefits the game and the overall experience.

I think what we are seeing is a case of people (not just Nintendo fans) changing their mind, and I don't see why that should be criticized. From what I have seen, this isn't a case of hypocrisy and double standards as opinions on third party/Sony/MS DLC have largely changed alongside opinions of Nintendo DLC...

Damn it Arthur WHY

Of all the DLC I have bought only Nintendo's have been worth it.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

MrYoshi said:
Even more than 200 hours?

The Witcher 3 is 200 hours... Xenoblade Chronicles X is 300 hours.

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RolStoppable said:
Mummelmann said:
RolStoppable said:

Sounds like you are saying that DLC is good when Sony does it, but it's bad when Nintendo does it.

How is calling out double standards in any way condoning DLC from other companies? None of his posts say anything remotely close to that. I myself am not a fan of DLC, never have been and likely never will be, but I agree that it is strange that Nintendo's behavior is benign in their fans' eyes when they follow the market movements that are deemed greedy or malevolent when others make them. It's a perfectly fair point, especially from those of us who have been in here a long time and remember the war on DLC in the 7th generation (and even then; I never liked DLC, I hated the entire generation tbh).

Here is the post where he says that what Nintendo is doing is bad:

It's from this thread. Since he has deliberately ignored me despite getting quoted no less than three times, it's now fair to conclude that he doesn't give to want an answer because said answer would be that Sony doing paid DLC is okay in his books. That means he is a hypocrite.

But it doesn't end here, because by calling out other people for being hypocrites despite being a hypocrite himself, he makes himself guilty of hypocrisy a second time.

EDIT: I almost forgot to mention that a Sony fan being guilty of such hypocrisy also means that Angry Joe's point is rendered moot, because what he says is clearly not exclusive to Nintendo fans.

What does The Witcher 3 DLC have to do with Sony though? It is made by CDProjekt and published by Bandai Namco, WB games and a few others.

There is still nothing indicating that he thinks that Sony's DLC is okay.

RolStoppable said:
Mummelmann said:

What does The Witcher 3 DLC have to do with Sony though? It is made by CDProjekt and published by Bandai Namco, WB games and a few others.

There is still nothing indicating that he thinks that Sony's DLC is okay.

The Witcher 3 post is the proof that Nintendo's DLC is bad in his books. The lack of an answer to a question I asked three times indicates that he thinks that Sony's DLC is okay. If his opinion were that Sony's DLC is bad just like Nintendo's, he would have said that straight away because he verifiably had the time to post in this thread.

User says Nintendo DLC is bad, user says CDProjekt DLC is good; ergo, user thinks that Sony DLC is good. This is quite a stretch for a user who is known for being logical in here.

I think that Crytek are bad, I think that Naughty Dog are good; ergo, I think that Activision are good, that would be much the same strain of thinking to me.

He can answer himself if he wants, I'm just pointing out the flaws in the logic.

PS: As mentioned; I am personally more or less against DLC regardless, just to be clear.

A bunch of thieves. Will not buy now !

Mummelmann said:
RolStoppable said:
Mummelmann said:

What does The Witcher 3 DLC have to do with Sony though? It is made by CDProjekt and published by Bandai Namco, WB games and a few others.

There is still nothing indicating that he thinks that Sony's DLC is okay.

The Witcher 3 post is the proof that Nintendo's DLC is bad in his books. The lack of an answer to a question I asked three times indicates that he thinks that Sony's DLC is okay. If his opinion were that Sony's DLC is bad just like Nintendo's, he would have said that straight away because he verifiably had the time to post in this thread.

User says Nintendo DLC is bad, user says CDProjekt DLC is good; ergo, user thinks that Sony DLC is good. This is quite a stretch for a user who is known for being logical in here.

I think that Crytek are bad, I think that Naughty Dog are good; ergo, I think that Activision are good, that would be much the same strain of thinking to me.

He can answer himself if he wants, I'm just pointing out the flaws in the logic.

PS: As mentioned; I am personally more or less against DLC regardless, just to be clear.

Honestly, I think that you are overthinking this so much that you are being blind to an obvious situation . It Was pretty clear that he was trying to make a point against Nintendo making dlc. He said that it was a shame how the Nintendo fans were defending this. But when he was asked if its good for Sony to do Dlc, he didn´t say anything... 3 times. I guess thats says it all. 

RolStoppable said:

Here's what happened:

User says Nintendo DLC is bad, user calls out Nintendo fans for being hypocrites (they badmouth all DLC, except Nintendo's), user gets identified as a potential hypocrite and is consequently put the test, user denies an answer a total of three times.

So the logical conclusion is that said user is indeed a hypocrite. If someone repeatedly denies to give an answer to a short and simple question, then something is fishy. It's not a stretch in the least to assume that the answer would be unfavorable for his case. And since so much time has passed since he has denied an answer, any answer he gives now that would paint him as a non-hypocrite would most probably be a straight lie.

So, it's a lose-lose either way, who would anyone bother to answer you when you've already made the conclusion and decided that should they post anything counter to this conclusion; it is likely false? I know I wouldn't.

I walk away from discussions all the time in here if they're headed nowhere, it happens quite often.