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RolStoppable said:
Mummelmann said:
RolStoppable said:

Sounds like you are saying that DLC is good when Sony does it, but it's bad when Nintendo does it.

How is calling out double standards in any way condoning DLC from other companies? None of his posts say anything remotely close to that. I myself am not a fan of DLC, never have been and likely never will be, but I agree that it is strange that Nintendo's behavior is benign in their fans' eyes when they follow the market movements that are deemed greedy or malevolent when others make them. It's a perfectly fair point, especially from those of us who have been in here a long time and remember the war on DLC in the 7th generation (and even then; I never liked DLC, I hated the entire generation tbh).

Here is the post where he says that what Nintendo is doing is bad:

It's from this thread. Since he has deliberately ignored me despite getting quoted no less than three times, it's now fair to conclude that he doesn't give to want an answer because said answer would be that Sony doing paid DLC is okay in his books. That means he is a hypocrite.

But it doesn't end here, because by calling out other people for being hypocrites despite being a hypocrite himself, he makes himself guilty of hypocrisy a second time.

EDIT: I almost forgot to mention that a Sony fan being guilty of such hypocrisy also means that Angry Joe's point is rendered moot, because what he says is clearly not exclusive to Nintendo fans.

What does The Witcher 3 DLC have to do with Sony though? It is made by CDProjekt and published by Bandai Namco, WB games and a few others.

There is still nothing indicating that he thinks that Sony's DLC is okay.