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forest-spirit said:

And the Nintendo fans from back then are the exact same users that defend DLC in this thread?


Even if they were, I think a lot of people have changed their mind on DLC for one reason or another. DLC practices have changed over the years and we have seen them more and more. We have seen them abused and we have seen them done to great effect, and I think that a lot of people have come to be opinion that DLC as a base system is not really problematic, and criticisms should stem from specific implementations.

For a number of reasons, I don't think it is fair to hold the negative opinion of DLC in years past over Nintendo fan's heads. People do change their mind for one reason or another and many of the people speaking about DLC now may not be the same as those who were speaking about it years ago. Additionally, in some cases, Nintendo's positive implementation of DLC may have shown more Nintendo centric gamers that DLC can be done in a way that benefits the game and the overall experience.

I think what we are seeing is a case of people (not just Nintendo fans) changing their mind, and I don't see why that should be criticized. From what I have seen, this isn't a case of hypocrisy and double standards as opinions on third party/Sony/MS DLC have largely changed alongside opinions of Nintendo DLC...