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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Fire Emblem's new anime direction (RANT)

Mirson said:
sundin13 said:

Thats not exactly a fair statement but I'm sure you know that...

Google image Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne or the earlier SMT games, then google Persona 4 or Devil Survivor 2. Compare the first two Persona games (original not remakes) and then compare P4.

How bout you compare SMTIV to other SMTs intead of switching to spin offs...

Boss Spoiler:

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I thought that If's departure wasn't too drastic. SMTXFE looks like how you described it but that was expected given the series obsession with pedophilia.

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius

ToraTiger said:

Lol they are not the same thing as Ken and Ryu.  You Nintendofans why do you guys defend their actions through thick and thin?  Also while Awakening's sale are good for an FE game, outside of Japan the games performance was okay

They are, Marth has to be more strategic and poke a lot more, Lucina is hyper aggressive and has to be more in the opponents face (just watch Brolylegs), all of this is due to the attribute changes on their sword attacks which is why Lucina is more popular pick but Marth when used right has more viability in a lot more match ups, they're not carbon copies like you say. The majority of Awakening's sales were outside Japan as well.

Take note how you haven't really posted anything in your reply to back your argument and have only posted an attack highlighting you may not have any substance in your argument as it's a common tactic.

Wyrdness said:
ToraTiger said:

Lol they are not the same thing as Ken and Ryu.  You Nintendofans why do you guys defend their actions through thick and thin?  Also while Awakening's sale are good for an FE game, outside of Japan the games performance was okay

They are, Marth has to be more strategic and poke a lot more, Lucina is hyper aggressive and has to be more in the opponents face (just watch Brolylegs), all of this is due to the attribute changes on their sword attacks which is why Lucina is more popular pick but Marth when used right has more viability in a lot more match ups, they're not carbon copies like you say. The majority of Awakening's sales were outside Japan as well.

Take note how you haven't really posted anything in your reply to back your argument and have only posted an attack highlighting you may not have any substance in your argument as it's a common tactic.

They are pretty much are the same thing.  I mean why not just make a new kit instead of changing the sword tip?  That character was not needed.    Japan had the largest sales of any one region, despite there being less people in Japan.  And lol @ nintendo fans thinking 1 million is a lot.  Just lol. 

Also I don't quite understand your last statement.  There is lots of evidence in the OP of how the new direction is changing the series too much and alienating the old time fans.

3DS I.D : 3282-2755-4646

I make bad threads.  

SSB really went downhill after Melee....

Manlet Crew

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Hiku said:
ToraTiger said:

Why Nintendo?  What happened to the Path of Radiance Fire Emblem that was deep, concious, well paced and had good characters?

Path of Radiance sold 0.54m worldwide.
Awakening sold
1.55m worldwide.

More people responded positively to Awakening.
For every person who doesn't like the direction Awakening took, Nintendo will gladly take 3 others who do.

Lol at that comparison.  22 million gamecubes vs 50 million 3DS, also factor in 3DS has less games to play on it, Awakening's advertising and reviews.   And yeah I acknowledged its all about money, which is the only thing Nintendo seems to care about these days, they're becoming more and more like Ubisoft.  

BTW Are those Nintendo released sales? If they're just VGchartz sales, than I'm calling B.s

3DS I.D : 3282-2755-4646

I make bad threads.  

SSB really went downhill after Melee....

Manlet Crew

Please, bro.

"Congrats Nintendo you have officially lost my money. Not that it matters with all the otaku people sworming to buy this game for all the wrong reasons, they can afford to piss off their original fanbase."

This, this!  Come on, we should be better than this.  The game isn't even out yet, it's just a 2 to 3 minute trailer, there's more info in the future so let's at least wait before we get more info instead of jumping the gun and totally writing it off. 

ToraTiger said:

They are pretty much are the same thing.  I mean why not just make a new kit instead of changing the sword tip?  That character was not needed.    Japan had the largest sales of any one region, despite there being less people in Japan.  And lol @ nintendo fans thinking 1 million is a lot.  Just lol. 

Also I don't quite understand your last statement.  There is lots of evidence in the OP of how the new direction is changing the series too much and alienating the old time fans.

No they're not the same thing their style of play is completely different, one has to space while the other has to rush down, those are two widely different approaches in a game with many factors in play. Also saying lol when you haven't provided anything substantial doesn't give you any ground it just makes you look silly in an argument, you can't argue against what's been put forward so your response is the typical "Nintendo fans... lol" to try and save face.

The last statement is a reference to your reply to me on Smash and Awakening you've literally provided no substance in what you posted, at this point I'm expecting a post with "lol" here and there and some "Nintendo fans" jibe as that seems to be all you can muster here. Awakening according to this site sold more in the US then Japan so I don't know where you're getting the notion that it sold more in Japan from.

The preponderance of annoying cliches is the main reason I cannot stand most anime; the high pitched "waifus", philosophical pretentiousness, etc.

I cannot complain here though, as I was never into Fire Emblem.