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ToraTiger said:

They are pretty much are the same thing.  I mean why not just make a new kit instead of changing the sword tip?  That character was not needed.    Japan had the largest sales of any one region, despite there being less people in Japan.  And lol @ nintendo fans thinking 1 million is a lot.  Just lol. 

Also I don't quite understand your last statement.  There is lots of evidence in the OP of how the new direction is changing the series too much and alienating the old time fans.

No they're not the same thing their style of play is completely different, one has to space while the other has to rush down, those are two widely different approaches in a game with many factors in play. Also saying lol when you haven't provided anything substantial doesn't give you any ground it just makes you look silly in an argument, you can't argue against what's been put forward so your response is the typical "Nintendo fans... lol" to try and save face.

The last statement is a reference to your reply to me on Smash and Awakening you've literally provided no substance in what you posted, at this point I'm expecting a post with "lol" here and there and some "Nintendo fans" jibe as that seems to be all you can muster here. Awakening according to this site sold more in the US then Japan so I don't know where you're getting the notion that it sold more in Japan from.