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ToraTiger said:

Lol they are not the same thing as Ken and Ryu.  You Nintendofans why do you guys defend their actions through thick and thin?  Also while Awakening's sale are good for an FE game, outside of Japan the games performance was okay

They are, Marth has to be more strategic and poke a lot more, Lucina is hyper aggressive and has to be more in the opponents face (just watch Brolylegs), all of this is due to the attribute changes on their sword attacks which is why Lucina is more popular pick but Marth when used right has more viability in a lot more match ups, they're not carbon copies like you say. The majority of Awakening's sales were outside Japan as well.

Take note how you haven't really posted anything in your reply to back your argument and have only posted an attack highlighting you may not have any substance in your argument as it's a common tactic.