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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Opinion: 8th generation is the worst generation in video game history

for now its pretty bad but theres hope it will get better..

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

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Remasters are not too big a problem. Lots of people want to play these games again, they don't replace other games and they bring in more money for devs and publishers at a time when they really need them.

As for the rest of the industry, there is less creativity than the 6th gen, which was gaming's peak. The decline of the Japanese industry, especially the mid tier devs but the larger ones also, are the main reason. Western devs compare better to where they were a decade ago, but they are more risk averse in general. That being said, I am still optimistic about gaming this gen going forward. There are lots of games coming that I am very much looking forward to, and although not as many of them are new IPs as I would like, I fully expect to look back on this gen fondly.

I disagree. The WiiU makes it better than some gens.

Yes it is, but not because of the reasons outlined in the OP. Then again, 7th was the worse so it's not surprising to see the downward trend continuing.

maybe but i like Bayonetta 2, Evolve and splatoon

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And this, my kids, happens when you don't ever put off your nostalgia goggles and they start fusing with your brain.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Not impressed with PS4 so far, that's for sure. WiiU is great though

I don't agree. I've had more fun with the 8th gen than any other (granted, I haven't fully experienced past gens, but still). The Wii U and 3DS alone have given me endless amounts of enjoyment and I plan on getting a PS4 after there's a price cut.

I think we could all do with some positivity.

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I agree with everything in the OP. It's definitely a fact that, so far, this generation have been a disappointment, on all fronts, for many people, even if certain political parties don't want to accept it. And nope. The WiiU can't carry the whole generation by itself.

Disclaimer -- With disappointment I don't mean it's bad, just not as good as expected. I also recognize that there are a few highly impressionable people that aren't disappointed and that's fine. I'm not hating, I just want the industry to become better, not grow complacent.

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It's been a little lackluster so far -- okay, a lot lackluster, but I have a handful of great games out of it (mostly on Wii U) and there are more to come. I'll reserve my judgement.

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