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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Opinion: 8th generation is the worst generation in video game history

I am feel some deja vu, once upon a time in 6 and 7 th generation there was a guy who complaint the same thing, but again, i think there is always some one in every generation that will always complaint

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RubberWhistleHistle said:

This is a thread that many people are not going to agree with, but it simply needs to be made. you guys can try to report me all you want, and you may get me out of here for awhile, but if speaking what i see as the truth is going to get me banned, then well, i guess that is how its going to be. as a great man once said, "give me liberty or give me death!"

anyways, now that the disclaimer is out of the way, i want to talk a little bit about what this industry has morphed into. it honestly wasnt that long ago that everything was going great in the industry. new ideas were being brought to the table, everyone was working hard, and it was all about being able to make a game that the most people enjoy. the incentive here is that by making a game that is well received by everyone, you build a reputation and name for yourself. this is a stark contrast to what we see today. what do we see today, people? we see little companies being sucked into bigger ones, great development teams slaving away being forced to make impossible deadlines, constant remakes/remasters of games from last generation, chopped up bits of game sold to us in spurts, only to be rereleased as the complete package (what it should have been in the fucking first place), we get shipped broken games because they know that they can just fix it later, marketing as a first priority and so on and so forth and so on and so forth. 

now all these things are pretty much bullshit, im sure we can all agree on that, right? and we shouldnt put up with it. i know i dont. dont you guys see that rockstar, for example, released gta V for ps3 and 360 knowing damn well they were going to sell it again a year later when the new hardware had some time to establish itself? how do you guys really feel about that? is that just ok, people shouldnt have a problem with that mentality? its a dispicable way to run things if youre in charge of developing games. when you guys hear that DmC is getting remade, God of War 3 (not a collection? fucking seriously?), devil may cry 4, sleeping dogs, this random game from last generation, and that random game from last generation, how does that make you feel? dont you feel that their efforts should be concentrated elsewhere? if that doesnt bother you, isnt it a problem that these people are just porting games from last gen as a cash grab? surely that is a problem.

i mean, lets be real here, guys, the only system to really come out with a  solid library of games is the Wii U. and to be, honest, i seriously would have said (back in late 2013) that Nintendo will get passed up in the games department before 2014 is over. but you know what, it hasnt happened. and you could be a huge ps4 fan and enjoying all kinds of games, but when you take a step back, common sense has to take over at some point. 

example: in the 6th generation, i thought the gamecube had the most fun and interesting games. while many would agree with that, i think we were all able to look at the ps2 and acknowledge the hell of a job it did bringing great titles to the ps2. not remasters, not cash grabs, not games that are 70% movie, im talking interactive, compelling, intelligent and creative software. 

anyways, im not trying to get off point too much, but just compare what is going on now to what was happening early 7th gen and before. everything was going great, and if you really think about it, games have not evolved in any way since, what? call of duty 4, gears of war, mass effect, bioshock, assassins creed. these were ground breaking and revolutionary titles, but this just doesnt cut it in 2015. really guys, what gameplay mechanics or ideas have really broken through since these games have been released? and you know what, it isnt going to change any time soon. and that is why the 8th gen will be the most uninspiring, pointless generation of gaming. ever. 

A lot of what you say carries weight with me. I also dislike a lot of the practices nowadays. Remasters I like; up to a point. A lot of them make sense, but a lot seem like pointless cash grabs. I also hate broken games and incomplete games with DLC add ons. I hate preorders. I also hate impossible deadlines.

I also have some problems with your post (one less, now that title was edited lol). Firstly, you can't look back at the past and only see the good. That's not true; it's just that when we look back on the past, it isn't the shitty products that we remember. The same argument applies to music as well. There was plenty of shitty music from years past. We choose to remember the good stuff. A lot of poor stuff has been introduced lately, but please don't think that this is the first time we've had poor products, or that the past was all sugar and roses.

Secondly, you had such a great argument going. Then you included a sentence about "common sense". You can't say we lack common sense when we have a differing opinion.

Other than that, pretty good post.

#1 Amb-ass-ador

Guys, I have an extremely difficult test to study for so I can't play anymore, but I do agree with cone gamer that the focus on me saying it was a fact is completely silly. It was obviously a play on how people title their prediction threads, which has kind of been a theme of mine. But anyways, I'll argue with you guys tomorrow if I have time, and the first thing I will address is that ridiculous point about the zelda remakes.

RubberWhistleHistle said:
Guys, I have an extremely difficult test to study for so I can't play anymore, but I do agree with cone gamer that the focus on me saying it was a fact is completely silly. It was obviously a play on how people title their prediction threads, which has kind of been a theme of mine. But anyways, I'll argue with you guys tomorrow if I have time, and the first thing I will address is that ridiculous point about the zelda remakes.

ooh wait where are you going , we still have a lot bullet for you today.

RubberWhistleHistle said:
Guys, I have an extremely difficult test to study for so I can't play anymore, but I do agree with cone gamer that the focus on me saying it was a fact is completely silly. It was obviously a play on how people title their prediction threads, which has kind of been a theme of mine. But anyways, I'll argue with you guys tomorrow if I have time, and the first thing I will address is that ridiculous point about the zelda remakes.

Take all the time you need to come up with a retort, no need to give an excuse.

But let me Pre-empt you regardless.

"But they add stuff it isnt just a resolution bump!"

As do most of the remasters on other consoles, a particularilly fine example being Master Chief collection.

"But they're from really old games not recent games!"

The relative age of a title that has been remastered does not matter, the breakdown is simply that they are reusing an existing game release to turn a profit without making a new game from scratch, thus the "age" argument holds little water.

"But they added 3d/touchscreen features/map/etc"

As do many of the PS4 and XBO remasters, GTAV for example adds a much more robust online infrastruture with new modes and gameplay styles as well as first person mode which changes the games dynamic entirely.

Pure and simple, you can't be against game re-relases on the PS4/XBO then excuse the ones on 3DS/WiiU as being "okay", because they are of the same ilk, the only reason anyone would claim otherwise is because of clear and obvious bias.


Can I ask that in future if you really must make a thread, you actually try making one that isn't entirely based off of starting arguments and stiring the pot? It seems to be a common and recurring theme of yours to make threads that seemingly gear more towards destructive ends than engaging ones, you may wish to kerb this habbit in future.

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Yeah because the 7th Gen was judged by the games that came out 2008 and prior right? At this stage MGS4 and GTAIV hadn't even launched and COD4 and Uncharted only launched 4 months prior.

Shit I almost forgot to say so but it's too early in the generation to judge whether it will be terrible or not. Give it time! SO many great games coming, just like in every other generation the first 2 years are relatively barren in comparison to the latter years. Nothing can be worse than VB + CD-i though

#1 Amb-ass-ador

I see, so you are actually mad at remakes right? I think this topic is overdone, but for my part, I am glad that I have BlackFlag and TLOU on my PS4, since I didn't get them on the PS3.
You seem to think that people are doing remasters INSTEAD of doing new games. I'm not sure that's true (probably not).

I think this gen will be super, great majestic games, and gamechangeing new hardware for the myriad of small unsuked developers to go wild on using easy to develop with high quality game creation tools.

ithis said:

great majestic games

Ori and the blind forest springs to mind.

Yeah, no. Gens 1,   and 3 were worse.

SM3DW, Bayonetta 2 and Bloodborne are 5 times better than those gens combined.