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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Subspace Emissary-- not that good.

SSE is diffidently not that good..
i wish they used the time on developing the multiplayer then to develop the SSE..
there are many parts that they could of just copied them in to the multiplayer and they would be complete playable levels.. i would never understand why they didnt do that..
btw i have ssbb japanese.. i didnt even bother using stickers.. and its just 12 hours long on very hard : /
melee adventure mode was more challenging and i could use it to make my skill increase..
to me SSE is a total waste of development time and CD space :P

 @ Brawl4life

he is too easy ! i didnt even try to win him! this is the case with most of the bosses in this game ! they are TOO EASY ! and they have a complete move set to make them playable charecters... why sakurai why ? :(

(please dont tell me stuff like "the bosses are too big !" i hate such silly comments -.-" 


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You hate such "silly comments" because they are true and the truth hurts MeowTheMouse. Ridley scaled down = fail, and that's all you need to know.

And Melee's Adventure mode is just as easy and MUCH shorter, I don't know what you're on about there.

Meow, complaints from you don't matter a lot, you complained there weren't several houndreds of hours of SINGLE-player content in Brawl.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

I would of prefered a shorter adventure mode if they added 1-2 extra character's to the roster, I havent tried SSE yet but saying that i did enjoy the adventure mode on melle and made the effort to complete it with every character. The only thing i dont like about SSE is you cant play the whole thing throught with just one character, That would effectivly give you 35play throught which would be awsome.


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viewtiful_jon said:
I would of prefered a shorter adventure mode if they added 1-2 extra character's to the roster, I havent tried SSE yet but saying that i did enjoy the adventure mode on melle and made the effort to complete it with every character. The only thing i dont like about SSE is you cant play the whole thing throught with just one character, That would effectivly give you 35play throught which would be awsome.

I thought you could replay parts with any character having beaten the mode.

i enjoyed it very much so far--and i use the nun/wiimote setup and have no problem with it


Eh, whatever.

As I said earlier I avoided as much Brawl news as I could in order to play the game without expectations ... I did hear about Subspace Emissary but I assumed that it was just a more fleshed out version of the Adventure mode. All in all, I'm very pleased with it; but I also wasn't expecting a platformer.

Adventure modes (for the most part) are ways to learn about and become more skilled with a variety of fighters without the need to go through a repetative grind of beating the boss 1000 times; in most fighters they're simply fight sequences in the exact same stages from the core game with text or cutscenes that produce the story. The Subspace Emissary does include some platforming elements, has some of the best presentation, and is very varied which (in my opinion) makes it one of the best adventure modes ever created.

Certainly, it would be awsome if Nintendo would create a Super Smash Bros: Platformer but I don't think that is what the Subspace Emissary was supposed to be ...

makingmusic476 said:
Words Of Wisdom said:

I definitely agree with twesterm.

The platforming element isn't bad but the direction is. There are some times when you have little to no idea of where the game wants you to go. There are flashing directionals every so often in some levels where it may get a little confusing, but those levels that have them don't have enough and the levels that don't have them in several cases should. I find myself jumping off cliffs in random directions in levels in hopes of discovering a ledge on the other side. Unfortunately that only works 33% of the time. Luckily the game is smart enough to figure out that if you're leaping out into the abyss you have no freaking idea what you're doing and puts you where you should be on respawn.

The other thing that bugs me is the arbitrary things the game does. For example, falling ceilings annoy the living daylights out of me. You can see the ceiling is falling at a constant rate. You see a trophy you want to collect on a platform before the ceiling has fully descended. You have PLENTY of time to get it and get out from under the ceiling. At the halfway point after you've busted the container of the trophy the ceiling's descent speed TRIPLES. There's no warning. There are no other ceilings that do that sort of thing that you run into prior to this one (that I saw). It's just like the game designers decided they wanted you to lose a life here and so you do.

The other thing that becomes annoying is the random difficulty spikes. The game seems like a cakewalk and then you run into an enemy that can obliterate you in 2 hits that hit everything on 40% of the screen (literally - 1st hit 30%, 2nd hit 75%, dead). I generally don't like to fight dirty (reusing the same move over and over), but that kind of difficulty increase warrants it IMHO and it really sticks up as out of place.

And finally there's the stupid teleport to you co-op mode where it's really easy to leave your partner behind and the teleport doesn't kick in. This was ripped DIRECTLY from Kirby Superstar. In Kirby Superstar it was excellent, but also in Kirby Superstar there was a button Player 2 could press to trigger the teleport and go straight to Player 1. Not having that button makes it frustrating at times especially since Player 2's deaths eat into the lives of both players (unlike in Kirby Superstar).

At this point, I'm playing SSE just to see the cutscenes and follow the story. The actual game part of it is not impressing me as much as I would have liked.

I agree with this for the most part.

As for the teleportation system, there is a button. All player 2 has to do is press start, and he'll appear right behind player 1. :P

I'll chock it up to my player 2 being dumb then (and using the Wiimote/nunchuck combo instead of a GC controller).