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SSE is diffidently not that good..
i wish they used the time on developing the multiplayer then to develop the SSE..
there are many parts that they could of just copied them in to the multiplayer and they would be complete playable levels.. i would never understand why they didnt do that..
btw i have ssbb japanese.. i didnt even bother using stickers.. and its just 12 hours long on very hard : /
melee adventure mode was more challenging and i could use it to make my skill increase..
to me SSE is a total waste of development time and CD space :P

 @ Brawl4life

he is too easy ! i didnt even try to win him! this is the case with most of the bosses in this game ! they are TOO EASY ! and they have a complete move set to make them playable charecters... why sakurai why ? :(

(please dont tell me stuff like "the bosses are too big !" i hate such silly comments -.-"