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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The mobile games industry gives their opinions about Nintendo entering the mobile space

To be real I think in 3-4 years, mobile might be Nintendo's no.1 money making segment.

It will be a main part of their business and software output not just some side thing.

The one good about that maybe is that some Nintendo sub-series'/IP that might otherwise have been gone to the retirement pasture may not actually get a chance to be brought back.

Duck Hunt, Touch Zelda, Mario Party, Kirby Canvas/Rainbow Curse, Touch/Tilt Yoshi, Mario Vs. DK, Punch-Out!, Ice Climbers, Steel Diver, Advance Wars, Wario Ware, Nintendogs, Kid Icarus, Diddy Kong Racing, Panepon (Tetris Attack), Pokemon Snap!, etc.

Mobile might be a second lease on life for some of these IP. Given a choice between not having them at all versus having them, I'll choose having them on iOS. 

3DS has a large userbase, but sure as hell hasn't meant dick squat when it comes to quenching my Advance Wars hunger. The problem is the $40-$60 package software model is still very archaic and only certain types of games get greenlit. iOS/Android titles are much lower risk, even if one flops, it hurts about as much as a paper cut to Nintendo, nothing serious. 

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Oh you guys get over it already. This bias on mobile is bordering on hypocrisy and ignorance.

What's the difference between 3 guys walking down the street playing their vita/3DS and 6 guys tweeting/FBing/gaming with their smartphones? Answer: nothing besides the number. Point in fact, more people use smartphones than dedicated handhelds, but the same behavior can be observed on either users.

People camp overnight when a new console/handheld is released; just as when a new iPhone is released. It's all the same. It's natural human behavior when they get hooked and are excited on a piece of commercial tech.

There is already an increasing number of quality games on mobile, but if you'd rather kill yourself than get the chance to play Zelda on mobile, then be my guest.

Pavolink said:
Michael Agustin, Chief Executive Officer, Weaver Labs: “Nintendo’s investment and partnership with DeNA gives Nintendo a way to satisfy investors and experiment in the mobile market — and it gives DeNA a way to move beyond Zynga’s fast-follow model into higher quality game design with household brands.”

This. Hopefully Nintendo develop great mobile games just like they develop great handheld/homeconsole games.

Same hope here

Also, who the heck calls it's Business Super Evil Megacorp? That's just tempting fate and a name which shall be reserved for an EA/Ubisoft/Activision merger.

If Nintendos Smartphone games are any good, maybe this will make me finally actually buy one (yep, still using a good old-fashioned cellphone instead of a smartphone)

I'm hoping Nintendo games popularize those controller attachments for smartphones, otherwise no decent game that's not a turn based RPG will ever work well on mobile.

YarHar707 said:
I'm hoping Nintendo games popularize those controller attachments for smartphones, otherwise no decent game that's not a turn based RPG will ever work well on mobile.

To be honest you don't even need a huge bulky controller add-on for smart devices. People just are never going to get those. 

But a very small joystick (Vita sized perhaps) even would make a ton of different genres infinintely more playable on smart devices. It's not so much the lack of buttons that are problematic for certain types of games as it is the lack of a physical directional input. 

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These comments seem overall positive, though I`m not very fond of the idea. It makes me kind of sad if kids are getting ipods and ipads over game consoles... : / And Zelda on a smartphone? Heeeeell no... Keep the goodness of Zelda off that.



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Shadow1980 said:
MohammadBadir said:
RealGamingExpert said:

"Imagine playing Zelda on a smartphone? Now that’s a dream come true.”

Kill me.

We'll go together...

Wait! I changed my mind! I HATE HEIGHTS! *CRUNCH*


In all seriousness, though, I really, really wish smartphones would just go away and never come back. Worst invention of the last 50 years. Cell phone should be phones and nothing else. I don't just hate what smartphones have done to gaming (mobile isn't really a threat or anything, but it has brought the sorriest excuses for games I've seen since that Big Rigs game). I hate what they've done to people and how they interact with each other. People get absorbed in those infernal things, often to the point where they're dead to the world. They'll stop in mid-conversation just to see a reply to a text or check their Facebook. They act like they can't live without the damn things, even though they went through life just fine without them not even a decade ago. Some people in my grandparent's generation called television "the idiot box," but smartphones are a hundred times the "idiot box" TV ever was.


Wow. Those are some strong feelings. I understand that VGC doesn't punish anyone for trolling the platform, but it's viable and it's generating billions.

With mobile growing and dedicated consoles shrinking, you're going to have to swallow the pill soon.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Cloudman said:
These comments seem overall positive, though I`m not very fond of the idea. It makes me kind of sad if kids are getting ipods and ipads over game consoles... : / And Zelda on a smartphone? Heeeeell no... Keep the goodness of Zelda off that.

Tablets and smartphones have been the #1 kids products for like 4 or 5 years straight now. Handheld sales this generation should show that. :-/

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

outlawauron said:
Cloudman said:
These comments seem overall positive, though I`m not very fond of the idea. It makes me kind of sad if kids are getting ipods and ipads over game consoles... : / And Zelda on a smartphone? Heeeeell no... Keep the goodness of Zelda off that.

Tablets and smartphones have been the #1 kids products for like 4 or 5 years straight now. Handheld sales this generation should show that. :-/

Yeah, I noticed that everytime I went home to visit, and it kind of makes me sad... : /



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Shadow1980 said:

KhinRunite said:
Oh you guys get over it already. This bias on mobile is bordering on hypocrisy and ignorance.

Sticks and stones, buddy. Sticks and stones.

What's the difference between 3 guys walking down the street playing their vita/3DS and 6 guys tweeting/FBing/gaming with their smartphones? Answer: nothing besides the number. Point in fact, more people use smartphones than dedicated handhelds, but the same behavior can be observed on either users.

Funny. I rarely see people walking down the street playing on their handheld. I've never known anybody to disrupt a conversation or social engagement to play Tetris on his 3DS. I've never seen anybody playing their handheld while driving. Of course, that's just anecdotal evidence, but most studies and surveys suggest that video game addiction is relatively rare, while cell phone addiction is very common.

There is already an increasing number of quality games on mobile

Please, provide a list of polished, AAA-quality "core" gaming experiences by mobile developers who are still around, relevant, and successful. From what I've seen, there's a major gap between mobile games and console games, to the point where one can realistically say that the two aren't directly competing with each other. The kind of experiences you have on modern consoles cannot be reliably had on a smartphone or tablet.

but if you'd rather kill yourself than get the chance to play Zelda on mobile, then be my guest.

It's called a "joke," buddy. Of course nobody's going to actually commit suicide over this.

FIrst of all, "buddy", I know it's all a joke. It's the bias I'm rebelling against.

Second. Numbers have nothing to do with it. Addictions and ticks exists on both sides and what you guys are basically pointing at is that "there are more of you (weird ones) than us". It's just petty. Cellphone addiction is expected to be more common as there are exponentially more people using them more than the  million seller handheld gaming device. Again, it's basically just a "you've got more shit on your backyard than us" thing. Petty.

Third. The concept of "core gaming" for the mobile is still developing, so I can't give you a whole list of "polished AAA quality core games". You might as well ask me to give you a Nintendo, Sony, Konami, Naughty Dog, Microsoft game as an example, but I wouldn't be able to give any. If you really took the time to look though, we can start at the recent ports made by both AAA publishers and indie devs. Final Fantasy is now on mobile, so is Dragon Quest. Bio Shock, Limbo, XCOM, and The Walking Dead are also on mobile. NFS Most Wanted is also on mobile, though not the same open world game as on PC/console. If you'd only widen your horizon you'll find that Gameloft games are also good. You want Need For Speed? Try Asphalt. You want Halo? Try NOVA. You want KZ? Try Dead Trigger. Deus Ex is also on mobile, and it's actually the reason why I bought a Nexus 7 and upgraded my phone.  Of course, there is the popular opinion that touch controls simply suck for a lot of games (i.e. shooters, action games) but we are seeing an increasing support for gamepad peripherals. Mobile games nowadays have that option to read gamepad input instead of touch.

The arrival of Nintendo on the mobile scene can only mean good...unless NIntendo decides to release soulless money grabs; but I don't see them doing that. Time and time again they produce high quality enjoyable games, and with them in the competition the standards for mobile gaming will only increase.