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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Final Fantasy type-0 review thread 67-76 metacritic *reviews incoming*

i have played the games and it just feel like final Fantasy 13 without turn based battle with better story presentation and interesting character, most of the problem of currently released FF games is lack exploration and world map, that's why i believe this game will get 7-7,5 in my prediction.

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tokilamockingbrd said:
starcraft said:
I was going to buy this today...glad I waited.

why? The reviews are pretty good. The score is just being scewed by 2 scores, the major publications are giving it 8s and 7s which is pretty darn good for a PSP port.

Most of the reviews say the same thing regardless of the score they deliver: poor repetitive mission structure, bad camera, enjoyable combat, messy story, interesting characters. 

Destuctiod (who is usually pretty harsh on games) just added their review and its an 85.

Metacritic needs to think of a way to prevent click bait reviews from getting added to the total. I think any score 20 points outside of the mean should get dropped and the new score calculated without it. If more bad scores come in the total will get lowered and then the scores would be shown.

So if a game has a 72 on meta All of the 10s and 95s would get tossed but so would the 20s and 40s....

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

Dr.Vita said:
Should have been a Vita game imo.

Honestly would be a day one if that was true. Sadly they decided to go with the expensive bullshit HD port. I wouldn't be as annoyed if it was still priced $40. 


Great reviews!

I still play on my dreamcast so I'm used to not so good graphics and bad camera, just in my alley as long as the story/gameplay are good.

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TiagoCosta said:
Great reviews!

I still play on my dreamcast so I'm used to not so good graphics and bad camera, just in my alley as long as the story/gameplay are good.


kivi95 said:
Should have been a $40 game.It is a game built for the psp and it shows both graphicaly and how the game is structured.

If that....$20-30 would have been more appropriate. 

I expected as much. While the gameplay is fun and engaging ( I wouldn't call it strategic) the port suffers from many problems that can not be overlooked.

As I was saying in the other thread (The storytelling is fragmented and unfolds by selection of quests, each quest requires a passage of time before you will be able to start it. To make time pass, you talk to voiceless and lifeless NPCs. During the conversation even the main characters don't move around and interact with each other naturally. They talk and make gestures (without attention to lip syncing), then the screen goes black, then the characters appear again but in a different position, they talk... Etc.

A lot of loading screens, each door you enter is followed by a load time. Even within within the cutscenes. The game in general is fragmented with no "flow" to it.

The amount of enemies on the screen is lacking so far, the behavior of the camera during battle is confusing. Flat environments. Below average animations for the characters.. And many more of those small things.)

TiagoCosta said:
Great reviews!

I still play on my dreamcast so I'm used to not so good graphics and bad camera, just in my alley as long as the story/gameplay are good.

Oh oh....

When you pop in Type-0, one of the first things you'll see is a cut-scene with the following chunk of narration: 

And so the Milites Empire, home to the White Peristylium, invaded the neighboring Dominion of Rubrum. As soon as the declaration of war was made, the Militesi main fleet swarmed into all corners of Rubrum. 2

Again, this is one of the first things you see. It goes on:

At the same time, a separate fleet was charged with a sneak attack on the Vermillion Peristylium. A l'Cie accompanied this task force. Using a l'Cie to invade a sovereign state was a direct violation of the Pax Codex, a treaty created by all four Crystal-States of Orience. The besieged peristyilum attempted to repel Milites's magitek armors… 3 know what, you get the idea. Final Fantasy Type-0 isn't afraid to be incomprehensible, spitting out proper nouns like it's trying out for Worst Tolkien Impersonation at the bookstore. But unlike, say, the old spinoff Final Fantasy Tactics—which is similar to this game in a lot of ways—Type-0 doesn't have strong enough heroes and villains to convince you that this is a world worth investing in. It's gritty, sure, but it doesn't have a whole lot of heart

From Kotaku but they are mostly  positive about the other elements

teigaga said:
TiagoCosta said:
Great reviews!

I still play on my dreamcast so I'm used to not so good graphics and bad camera, just in my alley as long as the story/gameplay are good.


I'm serious, I'm tired of graphics maniacs.