L6: Splicer(7,895 until level 7)
Fuck VGC, shit mod team.. Shit double standards.
Yay to go Sheeps, this animal specie is the way
- A 33 year old male gamer
- Portugal
- Joined on March 8th 2009, last online on 27 April 2017.
- Profile Views: 17,207
- Forum posts: 3,859 times which averages 1 posts per day
- User Reviews: 0 reviews
- VG$ 2,250.00
Banned (Expires: 9th Jul 10)
Permaban - Other (There are three major reasons behind this permanent ban. First, your recent posting history has mostly consisted of trolling and/or criticism towards the mods. Second, you have indicated that you are deliberately breaking the rules in order to get banned with the assumed end goal of a permanent ban. Third, you have requested a permanent ban a number of times. When all three of these points are considered, we have decided that there is no reason to delay the inevitable especially considering the means you have been using to getting there. ) ~ Leadified
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