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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - No Charger Included!? Seriously!?

Wagram said:
Not including a charger is some pretty shady shit.

Shhh... Don't you know you'll be a PS fanboy if you say that?

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MikeRox said:
Dusk said:

It was specifically mentioned in the Nintendo Direct about it. As I said, since it is (in the US and Canada) different than the norm, it likely will be posted on the box stating that there is no AC adapter. If that ends up being wrong, then it certainly is more of an issue, but we don't know till that time it is released.

In the UK it is normal to not have power adapters included in many products like this, cell phones as well. 

There are so many multi-function power adapters for many electronics that are cheaper than the Nintendo branded AC adapters and are readily available at every electronics store I don't know why people are being so over-reactive to this. 

Which phones don't include power adapters? My newest phones have all included one. It's led to a plethora of USB - Mains adapters though I've just got a multi USB plug as I can charge both my phone, Vita and tablet up simultaneously using that with a single socket.

Gotta figure out how to set these up lol.

Mystro-Sama said:
Wagram said:
Not including a charger is some pretty shady shit.

Shhh... Don't you know you'll be a PS fanboy if you say that?

Is that all you have got to say? To like every single person who has the same opinion as you?

Good to know.

If you're interested in Nintendo content and understand german, maybe you want to take a look at my youtube channel! :)

RealGamingExpert said:
Mystro-Sama said:
Wagram said:
Not including a charger is some pretty shady shit.

Shhh... Don't you know you'll be a PS fanboy if you say that?

Is that all you have got to say? To like every single person who has the same opinion as you?

Good to know.

You are essentially doing the very same thing... -__-

People are actually defending this ?!

This is sooo messed up ...

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Hynad said:

You are essentially doing the very same thing... -__-

I made 20 posts in this thread with every single one saying nearly the same?
Please tell me more.

If you're interested in Nintendo content and understand german, maybe you want to take a look at my youtube channel! :)

Mystro-Sama said:
POE said:
naruball said:
POE said:
people whine for everything this days...

I know, right? Next thing you know people will whine about consoles being sold without controllers. I mean you can buy one from amazon for x amount of money, so no biggie. 

Of course,  my wii u didn´t came with any wii mote controls although a lot of games require them (Nintendo Land for example). Im using my old ones, just as you can use your old ac adapter... or buy a new one you know.

Poor example. The Wii U is not a Wii. Do you expect Gamecube controllers to come with the Wii? No.

Did the wii had any game were you needed a gamecube controller to play it??

Mnementh said:
Nintendo fans are defending this? Smh.

Sony fans that never intened to buy one in the first place blow this out of proportion? Smh.

I've actually been considering trading in teh Wii U I recently purchased for a New 3DS.

And the charger is holding you back? Seems like a weak reason. A game costs a lot more, and a console is absolutely useless without a game. But besides some bundles a game isn't part of the package you purchase.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

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RealGamingExpert said:
Mystro-Sama said:
Wagram said:
Not including a charger is some pretty shady shit.

Shhh... Don't you know you'll be a PS fanboy if you say that?

Is that all you have got to say? To like every single person who has the same opinion as you?

Good to know.

Actually i've never said that before. And even if I did why does it upset you?

Dusk said:
sc94597 said:
Dusk said:
sc94597 said:

If I were a new Nintendo customer and didn't have a 3DS charger because I never had an original 3DS, and I bought a bland XL (my Pokemon Y edition came with a charger, and I assume that is the case for all special editions) or New 3DS thinking it would have a charger and find out it doesn't and I can't play my games, I would be pissed, take the console back, and never think of a Nintendo handheld again. Sorry, but this is not a good idea at all. If Nintendo wants to save the environment, why can't they just sell a model that is $5-10 cheaper (and advertised) without the charger. That would be for all of you guys who already have chargers or don't need another one. Be clear about it. 

So you would make such a big deal and waste the money on gas to go back to return it and not just pick up a charger for like $5?

They are clear about it. You wouldn't know that there was not charger if they were not clear about it. It's going to say it on the box. Every place that sells them will likely have the chargers available. 

I only know because I am on a video game website for people enthusiastic about video game products, and it came as a surprise to me even then. The new consumer can easily purchase the console without knowing this, as it is basically an assumption that such a device would include a charger. And what about the pollution caused by my car to go obtain the new charger? By the time I would take the console back the damage is already done. I'm pissed off at the company and wouldn't want the console anymore. 

*When I say "I", think of me as a casual or non-Nintendo fan buying a Nintendo console for the first time just to try it out. Not me personally. I'd by the console because I like Nintendo games. 

It was specifically mentioned in the Nintendo Direct about it. As I said, since it is (in the US and Canada) different than the norm, it likely will be posted on the box stating that there is no AC adapter. If that ends up being wrong, then it certainly is more of an issue, but we don't know till that time it is released.

In the UK it is normal to not have power adapters included in many products like this, cell phones as well. 

There are so many multi-function power adapters for many electronics that are cheaper than the Nintendo branded AC adapters and are readily available at every electronics store I don't know why people are being so over-reactive to this. 

Again, Nintendo Directs are targeted at the Nintendo fan, not a newcomer. If it is on the box I hope it will not be in small print on the back. Here in the U.S almost every electronic device comes with a charger, and if it didn't it wouldn't be a huge deal because almost every mobile device uses micro usb and one likely has a very near means to obtain a micro usb cable. Nintendo chargers aren't as convenient to obtain. I can see a mother or father buying a nintendo platform for their child for Christmas or a birthday only to find out it does not include a charger and after 4 hours the child cannot play their present that they've waited for already. Tha can mean a 20 minute drive one way to the nearest walmart or gamestop to obtain a charging device. That is a considerable inconvience, and honestly just as much of an environmental hazard. If Nintendo was doing this for the environment they would do a charger recycling program, maybe with a free VC game as an incentive.