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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - No Charger Included!? Seriously!?

It's a sucky practice indeed, but it's not something I would chuck a hissy fit over.

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I'm sure a charger costs them less than a dollar to make in those quantities.

naruball said:
KLAMarine said:
naruball said:
KLAMarine said:

Considering they are being upfront with the fact that the unit does not come with a charger, I'd grant leniency.

How lenient were people about Sony being upfront about vita and memory cards? Being upfront has noting to do with it.

Was Sony upfront about the prices of the memory cards? You're going to have to refresh my memory.

Well, let me refresh your memory. We're talking about two companies including an item in their product that is necessary for the product to function. Not the prices or any other topic that may want to bring up later. You're comparison is apples to oranges. Also, what do you mean by were they upfront about the prices? When did they announce them and when exactly would have you pereferred them to announce them? As if being upfront about something makes everything ok. People hated the prices themselves, not when Sony announced them.

Was Sony upfront about the vita memory cards being priced the way they were? Some people are upset by pricing, I get more upset when something is not disclosed: that if I run out of room for something, I can only buy a specific card that is priced way high.

S.Peelman said:
You would think this was common knowledge by now.

Yes the XL doesn't have a charger. They do this because everyone that owns a DSi or newer already has at least one and they want to keep cost down. Agree with that policy or not, story ends there.

LOL! You think you can just end an arguement like that?

Mystro-Sama said:
S.Peelman said:
You would think this was common knowledge by now.

Yes the XL doesn't have a charger. They do this because everyone that owns a DSi or newer already has at least one and they want to keep cost down. Agree with that policy or not, story ends there.

LOL! You think you can just end an arguement like that?

Yes, because I'm not having one when them not including chargers in XL versions has been standard practise for half a decade now.

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TheBlackNaruto said:
Mnementh said:
TheBlackNaruto said:

So it is just Sony fans blowing this out of proportion? How do you know if a Sony fan never intended to buy one? Matter of fact WHAT DOES BEING A SONG FAN HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING?????? So what about me a person who wants one? I haven't had a handheld since my original DS and no longer have it. So how does this benefit me? Or just screw new customers because others already have it.

I guess if I buy a new cell phone, or tablet, or a remote control car, or bluetooth set etc it is okay if those come without a charger as well because I should already have one or can go somewhere else and buy it? This is in no way a good move for the consumer IMO.

You don't benefit - but I never said that. I said it is no big deal, you just buy a charger if you need one.
We should criticize Nintendo for not using USB for charging. That propietary stuff is the real problem here. Not the ommission of a cheap part that is readily available.

I agree that is also a problem imo. I guess when charger prices jump because everything that used to come with a charger doesn't then this will be a problem. Chargers will soon be like batteries where they are not included but are super expensive(because battery prices are still not the best lol). I think this will cause the price of chargers to jump, they are currently so cheap and readily available because EVERYTHING comes with one. But when and if most other companies start following this practice chargers and charging cables will jump in price. Which is the issue that could actually happen if the consumer accepts this kind of practice.

The charger pricess didn't jump here in europe, so no sweat.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

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naruball said:
POE said:
people whine for everything this days...

I know, right? Next thing you know people will whine about consoles being sold without controllers. I mean you can buy one from amazon for x amount of money, so no biggie. 

Of course,  my wii u didn´t came with any wii mote controls although a lot of games require them (Nintendo Land for example). Im using my old ones, just as you can use your old ac adapter... or buy a new one you know.

POE said:
naruball said:
POE said:
people whine for everything this days...

I know, right? Next thing you know people will whine about consoles being sold without controllers. I mean you can buy one from amazon for x amount of money, so no biggie. 

Of course,  my wii u didn´t came with any wii mote controls although a lot of games require them (Nintendo Land for example). Im using my old ones, just as you can use your old ac adapter... or buy a new one you know.

Poor example. The Wii U is not a Wii. Do you expect Gamecube controllers to come with the Wii? No.

What the actual F***

Mnementh said:
Nintendo fans are defending this? Smh.

Sony fans that never intened to buy one in the first place blow this out of proportion? Smh.

I've actually been considering trading in teh Wii U I recently purchased for a New 3DS.